pdlicmgm utility: starts the License Key Management Application from the command line


The flags accepted by the license management application are:
For AIX and Linux 
pdlicmgm [-f] 
[-v -pn feature_name -pv feature_version]
[-d -pn feature_name -pv feature_version]
[-i license_path] 
{[-eid entitlement_id -pn product_name -pv product_version]
[[-cn customer_name] [-cc customer_company] [-ce customer_email]]}
[-l locale]

For Windows 
pdlicmgm.cmd [-f]
[-v -pn feature_name -pv feature_version]
[-d -pn feature_name -pv feature_version]
[-i license_path] 
{[-eid entitlement_id -pn product_name -pv product_version]
[[-cn customer_name] [-cc customer_company] [-ce customer_email]]}
[-l locale]


You can access the License Keys Management Application (LKMA) from the command line, specifying the license key file path from the command line with a flag to show the system fingerprint.

  • To receive a product license, you need to send the Entitlement ID and the system fingerprint of the machine where that product or feature runs. The Entitlement ID is only used to identify what you purchased.
  • The system locale is used when the [-l] flag is not present.
  • When running from the command line, license management application returns:
    • 0 for success
    • 1 for error


The pdlicmgm uses these flags:

Returns the system fingerprint.
Installs the licenses from the license_path, adding them to the existing license.key file.
If a license is added on top of an already installed license of the same type, the application deletes the previously installed license and installs the new license. This allows renewed maintenance licenses to be installed without manually deleting previously installed licenses. Always make sure you install a valid license for you product.
[-pn], [-pv], [-eid], [-cn, -cc, -ce]
Activates a product online based on product_name, product_version, and customer entitlement_id and need to be passed together; the customer_name, customer_company, and customer_email are optional parameters.
Specifies which locale to use; if not present, the system locale will be used.
[ -d]
Deletes the feature specified by pn (name) and pv (version) parameters.
Displays the installed features.
  • 0x12 if the feature specified by pn (name) and pv (version) parameters is installed

  • 0 if the feature specified by pn (name) and pv (version) parameters is not installed

Displays the help information.


To return the system fingerprint, enter:

pdlicmgm -f