Working with InfoPrint Select notifications

By default, when you submit a job using InfoPrint Select, a notification profile is sent with the job. If the InfoPrint Select Notification application is running when you submit a print job using InfoPrint Select, notifications are requested. These notifications are delivered by email. InfoPrint Select does not use the standard email port for notifications to avoid conflict with other SMTP servers. If you have a conflict with the port that InfoPrint Select is using for notification, you can select another port by going to Start Programs InfoPrint Select Change the Notification port, and entering another port.

The InfoPrint Select Notification application starts automatically when Windows first loads. To start the InfoPrint Select Notification application at another time, go to Start Programs InfoPrint Select InfoPrint Select Notification.

You can access the InfoPrint Select Notification application by clicking the icon in the system taskbar or by clicking an existing message in the Windows Notification Area. After you click an existing message in the Windows Notification Area and the InfoPrint Select Notification dialog is displayed, all InfoPrint Select notifications in the Windows Notification Area are removed.

To clear the existing messages in the InfoPrint Select Notification dialog, click OK. When the InfoPrint Select Notification dialog is visible, any new notification message is displayed only in the dialog and no longer in the Windows Notification Area. If you minimize the InfoPrint Select Notification dialog, you still receive messages in the Windows Notification Area.

To close the InfoPrint Select Notification application, click X in the upper right corner of the InfoPrint Select Notification dialog and then click OK on the warning message, or right-click the icon in the system taskbar and then click Quit.

Note: If you receive a communication error when using the InfoPrint Select Notification application with the Windows operating system, you might have to include ipnotify.exe on the Exceptions tab of the Windows Firewall dialog.