Fixing a printer problem and starting to print again

Use this procedure when the printer stops printing because of a paper jam, "out of paper" error, or for some other reason.

  • Refer to the online help in the InfoPrint Manager GUI if you need instructions on completing any of these steps.
  1. If you want to print the entire job on the same printer it was printing on before, select the job in the job window and click Job → Release. The job will start printing from the first page.
  2. If you want to print the entire job on a different printer, skip to Before you Continue between steps 8 and 9 below.
  3. If you only want to print part of the job, figure out what page you want to start printing from.
    Important: If you do not want to start printing from the first page of the job, be careful when you select which page to start with. Duplex and n-up jobs can be confusing because you have to start printing with the first page on the front side of the sheet of paper. If you do not choose the correct start page, the job will print, but the sequence will probably be wrong.

    For example, if you are printing a 2–up duplex job, each sheet of paper actually has four pages printed on it, like this:

    2–up duplex print job: front and back views

      Front of sheet Back of sheet
    Sheet one
    Sheet two
    Last sheet

    Since you have to start printing this job at the first page on the front side, you can select page one or page five (or any other page that would fall in that position). If you select a different page, the sequence of pages will be wrong, and the job won't print correctly.

  4. Figure out what page you want to stop printing on (if you do not want to print all the way to the end of the job).

    You do not have to be as precise on the last page to print; the last page can be in any location on the sheet of paper.

  5. Select the job you want to print.
  6. With the job selected, click Job → Change Page Range to Process.

    If you do not see the Change Page Range to Process item in the Job menu, use Add/Remove Menu Items to add it.

  7. In the Change Page Range to Process dialog, select