Restarting the job that was printing when the problem occurred

You can either:
  • Start the job from the beginning.
  • Start the job from a point before the problem occurred (so the ruined pages get printed).
    • You can only start printing in the middle of the job if the job is transformed to AFP before it gets printed. You cannot print part of an ASCII, KGL, metacode, or LCDS job; you have to print the whole job.
    • You can start printing in the middle of the job, even if the job has more than one printable documents. You can do this by specifying a sheet range (or multiple sheet ranges) to be reprinted.
  1. To print the entire job on the same printer it was printing on before, select the job in the job window and click Job → Release. The job will start printing from the first page.
  2. To print the entire job on a different printer, skip to Before you Continue between steps 8 and 9 below.
  3. To print only part of the job, figure out what page you want to start printing from.
    Important: If you do not want to start printing from the first page of the job, be careful when you choose which page to start with. Duplex and n-up jobs can be confusing because you have to start printing with the first page on the front side of the sheet of paper. If you do not choose the correct start page, the job will print, but the sequence will probably be wrong. The easiest way to avoid this is to choose a sheet range specifying the start and the end of the sheet that you want to print.

    For example, if you are printing a 2–up duplex job, each sheet of paper actually has four pages printed on it, like this:

    2–up duplex print job: front and back views

      Front of sheet Back of sheet
    Sheet one
    Sheet two
    Last sheet
    Since you have to start printing this job at the first page on the front side, you can choose page one or page five (or any other page that would fall in that position). If you choose a different page, the sequence of pages will be wrong, and the job won't print correctly.

    However, there is a way to avoid this situation. You can choose a sheet range specifying the first and the last sheet that you want to print.

    To define the sheet range:

    1. Go to Job -> Properties ->