Stopping the base product and secondary servers

When you stop the RICOH ProcessDirector base product or a remote secondary server, you can stop the system with or without waiting for job-processing steps to complete. If you have the AFP Support feature installed, you can also choose whether to stop processes that were started by the RICOH ProcessDirector printer driver component, by Download for z/OS, or by AFP Download Plus.

After a system shutdown and restart, all the printers are disabled. If you want all the printers that were enabled before the shutdown to be enabled after the system is restarted, you can change the Remember enabled status of printers system property to Yes.

To stop the base product or a remote secondary server:

  1. Log in to the system as the RICOH ProcessDirector system user ( aiw1 is the default).
  2. Access the command line.
  3. Optional: To minimize the impact of shutting down the system on processes that are currently running, disable the input devices associated with the server.
  4. Enter one of these commands:
    • To stop the system immediately without waiting for steps to complete:
      • stopaiw

      Any steps that were in a processing state will move to an error state when you restart the system.

    • To stop the system after the currently processing steps are complete:
      • stopaiw -q
    • To stop the system and all processes that were started by the printer driver component, by Download for z/OS, or by AFP Download Plus:
      • stopaiw -t

      This option is only available on a primary computer with the AFP Support feature installed.

    On the primary computer, the command shuts down the primary server, local secondary servers, the user interface program, and the information center. If a remote secondary server is connected to the primary server when the primary server stops, the secondary server tries to reestablish the connection every 30 seconds, until it can connect or until the remote secondary server stops.

    On a secondary computer, the command disconnects the remote secondary server from the primary server and stops the secondary server.

  5. Optional: While the stopaiw command does shut down RICOH ProcessDirector, in some situations, additional steps are required to ensure that all processing ends. These situations include:
    • Applying updates to the operating system.
    • Reworking the file system that contains /aiw. For example, moving the file system to a new storage unit.
    • Running a full storage backup. For example, shutting everything down so that data transfers do not occur during the backup.
    To stop all other processing related to RICOH ProcessDirector:
    1. If you run in a PostgreSQL configuration, run the following command: systemctl stop postgresql
    2. The steps that follow require root authority. Type: su - root and press Enter. When prompted, enter the password for the root user and press Enter.
    3. If you run in a DB2 configuration, type: /opt/infoprint/ippd/db/bin/db2fmcu -d
    4. If you run in a DB2 configuration, type: ps -ef | grep db2 to display all db2 processes that are still running. To end each db2 process, type:
      kill followed by each of the process IDs listed in the results of the grep command. For example, your results might look similar to:
      dasusr1  14729     1  0 Aug24 ?   00:00:01 /home/dasusr1/das/
      root     18266     1  0 Aug24 ?   00:15:08 /opt/infoprint/ippd/db/
      dasusr1  18342     1  0 Aug24 ?   00:00:23 /opt/infoprint/ippd/db/das/
                                                  bin/db2fmd -i dasusr1 -m /
      root     21049     1  0 Sep01 ?   00:00:00 db2wdog 0 [aiwinst] 
      aiwinst  21051 21049  0 Sep01 ?   01:13:01 db2sysc 0  
      root     21059 21049  0 Sep01 ?   00:00:00 db2ckpwd 0 
      aiwinst  21061 21049  0 Sep01 ?   00:00:00 db2vend (PD Vendor 
                                                 Process - 1) 0    

      In these results, the process IDs are listed in the second column. To end the first process in the list, type: kill 14729 and press Enter.

    5. Type: ps -ef | grep psfapid to display all psfapid processes. To end each psfapid process, type:
      kill followed by each of the process IDs listed in the results of the grep command.
    6. Type: ps -ef | grep aiw1 to display all aiw1 processes. To end each aiw1 process, type:
      kill followed by each of the process IDs listed in the results of the grep command.