Exporting objects

To reuse objects on another RICOH ProcessDirector system, you can export them for use on the other system. On the other system, you then import the objects. Examples of objects are input devices and printers.

If you are using the Preprinted Forms Replacement feature, follow the instructions in the help system for exporting media objects with electronic forms.

To export objects:

  1. Click the Administration tab.
  2. Disable all pop-up blockers in your browser because the export file opens in a pop-up window.

    If a pop-up blocker is running, you cannot save the export file.

  3. In the left pane, click Utilities Export Objects.
    • To export all the objects in the system, click the Settings menu (image of gear menu) and select Export all system objects.
    • To export specific objects in the system, continue to the next step.
  4. Select the type of object to export from the Add objects by type list.
  5. Select the objects to export and click Add to export list.
  6. Optional: In the Objects to Export table, select the objects you want to add references to and click Add references.
    • Step resources referenced by other objects are not added to the export list by the Add references action.
  7. Repeat these steps for any other objects you want to export.
  8. Optional: To remove one or more objects from the Objects to Export table, select the objects you want to remove and click Remove from list.
  9. In the Objects to Export table, select the objects you want to export and click Export.
  • When you export custom document properties and import them into Version 3.10 or higher, copy the C:\aiw\aiw1\config\docCustomDefinitions.xml file to the new RICOH ProcessDirector system.
  • When you export objects, include all objects that are referenced in workflows in the export file. For example, workflows may include a PrintJobs step template that specifies the name of a printer requested for the job in the Requested Printer job property. If that printer object is not included in the export file, the import on the new RICOH ProcessDirector fails.
  • You can only export Password, Session, and Static credentials. RICOH Cloud and Private Key credentials must be generated on the computers where they are used, so they cannot exported.
  • When you export objects that reference credential objects, the credential objects are included in the export file.
  • If you created a custom portlet on a RICOH ProcessDirector system prior to version 3.10.1, you cannot import it to a system with RICOH ProcessDirector version 3.10.1 or later. Create the custom portlet again.
  • When you export step resources, the files that they refer to are not included in the export package. Copy the files referenced in the step resources from the export system to the import system manually. You must copy the files to the import system before you import the step resource objects.
    • To export all the step resources, copy the contents of /aiw/aiw1/StepResources from the export system into the same directory on the import system.
    • To export specific step resources, open the XML file that you exported. Find the entry for each step resource that you exported and locate the StepResource.File property. In that value, find the name of the RSC file associated with that step resource. For example, in this value:
      • <property name="StepResource.File" value="{&quot;fileName&quot; : &quot;/aiw/aiw1/StepResources/1992052c6ef44a229b8b43d77232bf53.rsc&quot;,&quot;displayName&quot; : &quot;Ricoh_Export-2019-08-26_13-30-04.xml&quot;}"/>

      The file name is: 1992052c6ef44a229b8b43d77232bf53.rsc

      Find the file on the export system and copy it into the same directory on the import system.