Starting and stopping the base product when the database is on a different computer

The RICOH ProcessDirector primary server and its database client must always be able to connect to the database server. If the database server is installed on a different computer and you reboot that computer, you must stop and restart RICOH ProcessDirector.
Stop and restart RICOH ProcessDirector and the database server in this order:
  1. Log in to the Linux system as the RICOH ProcessDirector system user (aiw1 is the default).
  2. Enter this command to stop RICOH ProcessDirector:
  3. Reboot the computer where the database server is installed.
    The database server stops automatically.
  4. Log in to the database server computer as the RICOH ProcessDirector database instance user.
    The default user ID is aiwinst.
  5. Start the database server:
  6. On the RICOH ProcessDirector primary computer, log in as the RICOH ProcessDirector system user again and enter this command to restart RICOH ProcessDirector:
If the database server stops unexpectedly, stop RICOH ProcessDirector, then continue with the step after stopping RICOH ProcessDirector, described above.