
If you have RICOH ProcessDirector installed, you can upgrade to the current version without uninstalling your existing software, or by installing on a new system and moving your objects to it.

For information about the new functions and updates included in this release, see New in this release.

If you are upgrading RICOH ProcessDirector and have another computer, we recommend that you install on that computer. By installing on a different computer, you decrease the risk of problems and minimize downtime during this process. When the installation finishes, you can migrate your objects from your existing system to the new system. You can then verify the new installation while the old computer is still running.

In version 3.12, RICOH ProcessDirector introduced the Migration Assistant. Start this tool on your newly installed system (known as the target system) to access your existing system (known as the source system) and move objects over. The Migration Assistant simplifies the process, so you don't have to manually export objects from one system and import them to the new system.

Database evolution

For many years, RICOH ProcessDirector supported only IBM DB2 as its database. In version 3.12, support was expanded to include PostgreSQL. PostgreSQL replaced DB2 as the default configuration for RICOH ProcessDirector.

When you upgrade to version 3.12 or later, you have two choices:

  • Continue to use your current database.
  • Migrate from DB2 to PostgreSQL.

    Note: If you plan to migrate from DB2 to PostgreSQL, you can either install the database included with RICOH ProcessDirector or you can install the database yourself. After you complete the RICOH ProcessDirector installation process, you can move your data into the PostgreSQL database.

Each option has different variables to consider, such as:

  • The PostgreSQL configuration can be installed on Rocky Linux compared to DB2, which cannot be installed.
  • You already have PostgreSQL installed and you want to configure RICOH ProcessDirector to use it.
  • If you plan to install the upgrade on a different computer, the Migration Assistant can move your objects and settings into PostgreSQL just as easily as into DB2.

Choose which database configuration to use before you upgrade, based on these factors and specifications for your environment.

If you use the Reports feature, you can use the same PostgreSQL database or both running RICOH ProcessDirector and storing the collected data.