Configuring control files for job audit information

RICOH ProcessDirector creates audit files that provide information about a specific job when it deletes the job from the system. Control files that use RICOH ProcessDirector symbol notation determine the values that RICOH ProcessDirector writes to the audit files for a job.
To configure control files for job audit information:
  1. Log in to the primary computer as the RICOH ProcessDirector system user ( aiw1 is the default).
  2. Navigate to /aiw/aiw1/samples/audit/.
  3. Copy the control file you want to modify to the /aiw/aiw1/control_files/audit/ directory.
  4. Use an editor, such as vi, to open the control file whose content you want to view or modify:
    Audit control file for jobs Purpose
    job_info_properties.cfg Defines the content of the jobnumber.yy-mm-dd_hh-mm-ss.job_info_properties.cfg.csv audit file in the /aiw/aiw1/audit/Job directory. If the AFP Support feature is installed, records JCL information about jobs that are sent through Download for z/OS or AFP Download Plus.
    job_properties.cfg Defines the content of the jobnumber.yy-mm-dd_hh-mm-ss.job_properties.cfg.csv audit file. Records basic job information for all jobs.
    line2afp_properties.cfg Defines the content of the jobnumber.yy-mm-dd_hh-mm-ss.line2afp_properties.cfg.csv audit file. Records information that is specific to jobs whose workflow includes a step that uses line2afp to convert the job to the AFP format. This file is provided by the AFP Support feature.
    print_properties.cfg Defines the content of the jobnumber.yy-mm-dd_hh-mm-ss.print_properties.cfg.csv audit file. Records information that is specific to jobs whose workflow includes a print step.
    transform_properties.cfg Defines the content of the jobnumber.yy-mm-dd_hh-mm-ss.transform_properties.cfg audit file. Records processing information that is specific to jobs whose workflow includes a step that calls a data transform program.
  5. Review the properties that the control file specifies, and either add or delete properties as required. Initially specify the properties by their RICOH ProcessDirector database names in a comma-separated string. The second string that repeats the job properties and that includes quotation marks, delimits the comma-separated value string in the resulting audit file. These are examples of the strings formats in the job_properties.cfg file, and how the audit information displays in the resulting jobnumber.yy-mm-dd_hh-mm-ss.job_properties.cfg.csv audit file:
    "10000021.8","IBM","Monthly workload statistics"
  6. Save the changed file to the /aiw/aiw1/control_files/audit/ directory and close the file.
  7. To prevent an audit file from being written, delete the corresponding control file from the /aiw/aiw1/control_files/audit/ directory.