Using Formulas

Formulas are custom calculations performed on one or more data fields. They provide an important way to analyze results.
Note: This function is only available with the Self-Service feature. If you want to purchase this feature, contact your Ricoh representative.
Formulas let you create complex calculations and combine fields from different data sources. You can also customize the formulas to reflect specific criteria and conditions or recalculate formulas based on any filter, variable, or level of granularity.

These are the main functions available in RICOH Supervisor:

Goal Function Types and Syntax
Perform calculations based on criteria Measured value

Numeric value filters: ≠, =, >, <, between

Text filters: Contains, Doesn't Contain, Doesn't End With, Doesn't Start With, Ends With, Starts With, Equals, Not Equal

List filters: Include, Exclude

Ranking filters: Top ranking, Bottom ranking

Time filters: Date and Calendar

Combine data or apply simple mathematical operations Aggregate functions

Operator: +, -, *, /



Count:Count(), DupCount()

Range:Max(), Min()

Summarize data Statistical functions

Central tendency:Median(), Mode(), Largest()

Standard deviation and variance:Stdev(), Stdevp(), Varp(), Var()

Quartile and percentile:Quartile(), Percentile()

Accumulate data Rolling sum or average

Sum to date:YTDSum(), QTDSum(), MTDSum()

Average to date:YTDAvg(), QTDAvg(), MTDAvg()

Compare time periods or trends Time functions

Past periods:PastYear(), PastQuarter(), PastMonth(), Next(), Prev()

Growth trend:Growth(), GrowthRate()

Time difference:YDiff(), QDiff(), MDiff(), DDiff(), HDiff(), MnDiff(), SDiff()

You can see information on all the available functions directly in the Formula Editor when you hover over a function in the list.