Disabling Job Encryption for InfoPrint Manager for AIX

To disable Job Encryption for InfoPrint Manager servers:
  1. Stop all running instances of InfoPrint Manager. In interoperated environments, stop all running instances of InfoPrint Manager on all interoperated machines.
  2. Run pddec_jobs as the user that runs InfoPrint Manager or root. In interoperated environments, run pddec_jobs sequentially on all interoperated machines.
  3. Uncomment and set EnableFileEncryption to 0 or remove the ipm-file-encryption.cfg file.
  4. Start all instances of InfoPrint Manager or reboot.
  • Before running pddec_jobs, make sure that there is at least 1.5* (size of jobs + rip files) free space available on the partition where jobs are stored.
Sample ipm-file-encryption.cfg file:
# IPM File Encryption configuration file

# Empty lines and whitespace-only lines are ignored, as are lines whose
# first non-whitespace character is a semicolon (;) or a hash (#).
# This file uses hashes to denote commentary and semicolons for options
# you may wish to configure.
# Every comment applies to the following section or option. The defaults
# refer to IPM's built-in values, not to anything set in this file.
# Uncomment the lines where you want to make a change and enter the
# desired value. Option names are case-sensitive.

# Enable/disable encryption (0 = disabled, 1 = enabled).
# Default: 0
;EnableFileEncryption = 0

# Specifies the cipher to be used when encrypting/decrypting files.
# To obtain the supported list of ciphers run:
#   openssl-ipm enc -ciphers
# Do not include the first character ('-') from the cipher name.
# Default: <not set>, required.
# DO NOT change the cipher in this file after encryption has been enabled!
# To change the cipher, stop all pdservers, run the decryption tool, change the
# cipher in this file, run the encryption tool and then start all pdservers.
;Cipher =