Submitting text files with a shell script
Create a file that contains the pdpr command and all its attributes. Create a shell script and put it in a directory on the system where you have installed the pdpr command.
The file should look similar to this:
# Sample Shell
# Script for InfoPrint Manager Email Text
# Uses a script to submit:
# sendtxtemail $1 $2
# $1 is required as the name of the file to send.
# $2 is optional as the recipient of the email.
# This script takes an ASCII file as input and creates
#PostScript output that is submitted with the pdpr command
# as email.
#! /usr/bin/ksh
if [[ -a $1 && -n $1] ]
if [ $2 ]
# Make temporary PostScript file
enscript -p /tmp/$$email.txt $1
/usr/lpp/pd/bin/pdpr -p email1-ld \
-r brief \
-x email-to-address=$WHOTO \
-x \
-x "subject-text='Your requested Email file'" \
-x document-type=printable /tmp/$$email.txt \
-x document-type=email-body /email_script/body.txt \
-x document-type=email-signature /email_script/sig.txt
# Delete temporary PostScript file
rm /tmp/$$email.txt
echo " sendtxtfile: could not locate file [$1]"
On the command line, this shell script uses this syntax:
sendtxtfile outputfilename [destination]where outputfilename specifies the file that you are sending (email.txt) and destination is the e-mail address (johndoe) to which you are sending the file.
This script sends an e-mail to either the destination value that you specify as the second argument on the command line, or to 'johndoe' Internet ID, if you use the default. The script uses a logical destination (printer) named email-ld on your InfoPrint server. This file uses the enscript command to convert the text file to PostScript, stores that PostScript file in the /tmp directory on the submitting system, and then deletes that file after the pdpr command has submitted the PostScript file to the InfoPrint server.
The convention indicates a typical Internet address for a business.