setup utility: starts the InfoPrint Manager Installer for AIX


setup -c [-e] [-R] [-s FileSystem]

setup [-e] [-L locale] -n ServerName -p PortNumber 
[-P DestinationName] [-R] [-s FileSystem]

setup [-e] [-R] [-s Filesystem] [-S]

setup [-ud] 

setup [-uc] 

setup [-e] [-R] [-s Filesystem] [-S] [-v] 

setup [-e] [-R] [-s Filesystem] [-S] [-V]


Issue the setup utility to start the InfoPrint Manager Installer. The InfoPrint Manager Installer installs InfoPrint Manager for AIX, including an InfoPrint Manager server and an InfoPrint Manager AIX client, or the InfoPrint Manager AIX client alone.

The AIX client allows users to enter InfoPrint Manager commands on the command line for transmission to the InfoPrint Manager server, which can be on another AIX system. The AIX client has no graphical user interface.

Note: You can install the InfoPrint Manager server or InfoPrint Manager AIX client in any of these languages:
  • English
  • French
  • German
  • Italian
  • Japanese
  • Spanish
If the InfoPrint Manager AIX client and server do not use the same language, the InfoPrint Manager server must run in English.


The setup utility uses these flags:

Invokes the InfoPrint Manager Installer to install only the InfoPrint Manager AIX client.
Note: The -L, -n, -p, and -P flags are not valid with this flag. The InfoPrint Manager Installer will prompt you to specify the locale, server name, port number, and optional default logical destination.
Echos the Installer log updates to stdout as they occur.
-L locale
Specifies the locale of the AIX client. The default is en_US (U.S. English).
Note: This flag is not valid with the -c flag.
-n ServerName
Specifies the name of the InfoPrint Manager server.
Note: This flag is not valid with the -c flag.
-p PortNumber
Specifies the port number that the remote InfoPrint Manager server is using for communications.
Note: This flag is not valid with the -c flag.
-P DestinationName
Specifies the default logical destination to which the InfoPrint Manager AIX client submits jobs.
Note: This flag is not valid with the -c flag.
Replaces any currently installed version of the InfoPrint Manager Installer on your AIX system with the Installer code from the InfoPrint Manager DVD-ROMs.