startppo utility: starts the InfoPrint SMIT operator's interface in InfoPrint Manager for AIX


startppo [-t | -g width×depth+XOffset+YOffset]

startppo {-h | -?}


Enter the startppo utility to start the InfoPrint SMIT operator's interface.


The startppo utility uses these flags:

Starts the ASCII (tty) version of the InfoPrint SMIT operator's interface. The ASCII version of the InfoPrint SMIT operator's interface has no graphics and is controlled with the keyboard.

If you do not specify the t flag, startppo starts the AIXWindows version of the InfoPrint SMIT operator's interface. The AIXWindows version displays a graphic of a running man to indicate task progress and can be controlled either with the mouse or with the keyboard.

Overrides the default size and position of the window for the AIXWindows version of the InfoPrint SMIT operator's interface.
Displays help for the startppo utility.
Displays help for the startppo utility.


  • To start the ASCII version of the InfoPrint SMIT operator's interface, enter:
    startppo -t
  • To start the AIXWindows version of the InfoPrint SMIT operator's interface in an 800 by 500 window, enter:
    startppo -g 800×500+100+100