IPP printer

Create an IPP actual destination to represent a printer that supports the Internet Printing Protocol (IPP). The printer must have an assigned uniform resource indicator (URI). When creating an IPP printer, the sides actual destination attribute must be set to the default duplexing value set on the printer.

Before creating an IPP printer, complete this worksheet.

IPP destination worksheet

Wizard Prompt Description Value
Name The name for the actual destination object. This is the printer URL, for example, np17.prtrm4.bldr.infoprint.com.
Note: This name is case-sensitive.
Server The server that controls this actual destination. The server name is the same as the name of the system where the server is installed.
Note: This name is case-sensitive.
URL The universal resource locator (URL) for this destination.  
TCP/IP address The IP address used to access this printer. This value is used for SNMP printers only.  
IP Address An IPv4 and/or IPv6 address statically assigned to this system. Not needed if DHCP is in use.  
Logical destination The logical destination that directs jobs to this actual destination.
Note: This name is case-sensitive.
__ Default __ Other:
Logical destination's server The InfoPrint server that contains the logical destination.
Note: This name is case-sensitive.
Queue The queue that holds jobs destined for this actual destination.
Note: This name is case-sensitive.
__ Default __ Other:

To create this type of printer, use the Create Printer Wizard in the InfoPrint Manager Administration GUI. (On the menu bar, click Printer → Create → IPP.)

Note: If IPP is not shown in the Printer → Create menu, use Printer → Add/Remove Menu Items to add it.

IPP destination worksheet provides the information as prompted by the wizard. For assistance, see the InfoPrint Manager Administration GUI online help.

If you did not enable the printer with the Create Printer Wizard, use the InfoPrint Manager Administration GUI to enable it.