Identifies which presentation object containers (called data object resources in the IPDS Reference) are public. Any uniquely identified resource found in a directory that is listed in this directory path is a candidate for reuse across jobs.
GUI label
Public presentation object containers
Resettable, single-valued
Allowed Values
You can enter the name of a public-context-presentation object or a text string up to 255 characters long that defines the directory path to the public-context-presentation object. You can specify one or more paths for one public context. You can specify paths for file systems mounted to AIX or Linux, such as MVS data sets and VM minidisks.
path:path for AIX
path:path for Linux
path;path for Windows
Separate path names with colons on AIX or Linux, for example:
Separate path names with semicolons on Windows, for example:
Default Value
With AIX, no default value.
With Linux, no default value.
With Windows, no default value.