Connectors Tab

Registered connectors are listed on the Connectors tab in RICOH Account Administration.

Connectors tab

Here are the actions that you can do on this tab:

  • View all the registered connectors and their properties, such as: Status, Version, Platform, or the last time they were contacted.
  • Download the latest RICOH Cloud Connector version for your operating system.

    Click Download and select the operating system.

  • Generate a one-time code to register a cloud connector.

    Click Generate one-time code.

  • Edit, delete, or view the connections associated with a connector.

    Right-click a connector and select an option from the menu.

    • To edit a connector, the server that the connector is defined on must be running and you must have a working network connection with it.
    • When you delete a connector, the RICOH Cloud Connector instance is not uninstalled but it becomes unregistered from the cloud and associated subscriptions might be affected.

Clicking , the tools icon, opens a menu from which you can refresh the information in the table and manage the table columns.