Creating a Docker container secondary server

Use this procedure to create a Docker container secondary server on a Linux system and connect it to your primary computer.
Before you begin this procedure, install Docker Engine 19.03 or above on the Linux computer that will host the container secondary server.
  • On RICOH ProcessDirector for Linux, you can create Docker container secondary servers on the primary computer or on a separate Linux computer.

To create a Docker container secondary server:

  1. Contact Ricoh Software Support for assistance with this process.
    The Software Support team can help evaluate your system and determine whether this procedure needs to be modified to fit your needs.
  2. Download and install the Secondary Docker feature.
  3. If directed by Software Support, install the Secondary Server feature on the remote Linux computer that will host the Docker container secondary server.

    Follow the procedures outlined in Installing remote secondary servers. If you are installing a Docker container secondary server only on the primary computer, you do not have to install the Secondary Server feature nor configure NFS. Skip to step .

  4. If you did not install the Secondary Server feature:
    1. Configure NFS to communicate between the primary computer and the computer that will host the Docker container secondary server.

      Follow the procedure in Configuring the primary server to use NFS to set up NFS on the primary computer.

    2. On the computer that will host the Docker container secondary server, create this directory: /aiw, then mount it to the /aiw directory on the primary computer.
      Use this command: mount -t nfs primary computer IP address or hostname:/aiw /aiw
  5. On the computer that will host the Docker container secondary server:
    1. Create a Linux user ID with the same name as the RICOH ProcessDirector system user (aiw1 is the default). Add that user ID to the docker group.
    2. Change the ownership of the /aiw directory to the user you created.
  6. Log in to RICOH ProcessDirector.
  7. Create the server object to represent the Docker container secondary server.
    1. Click the Administration tab.
    2. In the left pane, click Objects Servers.
    3. On the Servers page, click Add Container secondary server
    4. Fill in the properties as appropriate.
    5. Click OK.
    RICOH ProcessDirector creates the server object and installs the container secondary server on the target system.
  8. When the installation process completes, start the container secondary servers. Log in to the computer that hosts the secondary container servers and run the command below.
    • If you created the container secondary server on the primary computer, run the command on the primary computer.

      Replace directory with: /aiw

      The path_to_script is not required on the primary server.

    • If you created the container secondary server on a different computer, run the command from the secondary computer.

      On a secondary computer, you must provide the full path to the script on the primary computer, including the directory that is mounted to the /aiw directory on the primary server. In the command below, replace these values:

      • path_to_script

        The full path to the script on the primary server, including the mounted directory. If the mounted directory is /aiw (as in the procedure above), the value is: /aiw/aiw1/bin/

      • directory

        The full path to the directory that is mounted to the /aiw directory on the primary server. In the procedure above, this directory is also /aiw.

    • To start a specific container secondary server, replace [secondary_name] with the name of that server. Omit this value to start all of the container secondary servers present on the Linux computer.
    [path_to_script] start directory[secondary_name]
    For example:
    • To start all the container secondary servers on the primary server: start /aiw

    • To start one of four container secondary servers on a different computer:

      /aiw/aiw1/bin/ start /aiw secServContainer3

To stop the Docker container secondary servers, run this command on the computer that hosts them:

[path_to_script] stop directory[secondary_name]

Follow the replacement instructions above for [path_to_script], directory and [secondary_name].