Installing required software

RICOH ProcessDirector requires this software on the primary computer:

  • A supported Linux operating system
  • Docker Engine 24.0.6 or higher

    This software is only required if you are using PostgreSQL included with RICOH ProcessDirector as your database.

  • A supported database

    RICOH ProcessDirector uses a database to manage the flow of data. Two databases are supported:

    The default database for RICOH ProcessDirector in version 3.12 and higher. You can choose to install the PostgreSQL version that comes with RICOH ProcessDirector or use you own version of PostgreSQL installed separately. The RICOH ProcessDirector installation program installs PostgreSQL in a Docker container. You must install Docker Engine 24.0.6 or higher before you install RICOH ProcessDirector to use the PostgreSQL configuration.
    If you choose to use a PostgreSQL database installed separately on the primary computer or on another computer, make sure to install it before running the installation for RICOH ProcessDirector. RICOH ProcessDirector supports PostgreSQL 15 and higher.
    For download and installation instructions, refer to these links:
    IBM DB2
    The default database for RICOH ProcessDirector in version 3.11.2 and lower and an alternate configuration for version 3.12 and higher.

    You can use the version of DB2 provided with RICOH ProcessDirector or a DB2 version 11.5.8 or higher that you have installed outside of RICOH ProcessDirector. If you already have DB2 version 11.5.8 or higher installed on a computer in your network, you can configure RICOH ProcessDirector to work with that version instead. See Installing DB2.

If you plan to install a Secondary Server feature, this software is required on the secondary computer:

  • A supported Linux operating system

If you plan to install an application server on a Windows computer, this software is required on the Windows computer:

  • Windows Server 2019 64-bit operating system
  • Windows Server 2022 64-bit operating system
  • Windows 10 Pro or Enterprise 64-bit operating system
  • Windows 11 Pro operating system

These features require additional software:

  • Secondary Docker

    Docker Engine 19.03 or above is required on Linux computers that will host Docker container secondary servers.

  • PitStop Connect

    Enfocus PitStop Server 10 or higher on an application server that is configured to work with the primary server.

  • FusionPro Connect

    FusionPro Server on an application server that is configured to work with the primary server.

  • Ultimate Impostrip® Connect

    Ultimate Impostrip® Automation or Scalable on an application server that is configured to work with the primary server or on a separate Windows system.

    • If your Windows computer runs in a language other than English, do not install Ultimate Impostrip® in the default install directory. The program does not work properly with non-English default install paths. We recommend installing Ultimate Impostrip® in C:\ImpostripOnDemand on non-English Windows computers.
  • Quadient Inspire Connect

    Quadient Inspire Designer V8 or higher.

  • The AFP Support feature includes RICOH Visual Workbench, a separate user interface that you can install on any Linux or Windows system in your network.

    Java 1.8 or later must be installed on the system that is used for RICOH Visual Workbench.

  • The PDF Document Support feature includes RICOH ProcessDirector Plug-in for Adobe Acrobat, a separate user interface that you can install on a Windows system in your network. Java 1.8 or later and Adobe Acrobat Pro 2020 or DC must be installed on the system that is used for RICOH ProcessDirector Plug-in for Adobe Acrobat.
  • RICOH Transform features

    Java Runtime Environment 1.4 or highers.

    WorldType Fonts version 8.13 for RICOH SAP to AFP files to transform correctly when IS/3 support is enabled.

  • Avanti Slingshot Connect

    Avanti Slingshot with the JDF Integration add-on installed on an application server that is configured to work with the primary server.

Other required software:

  • A supported Web browser

    A Web browser is required to open the RICOH ProcessDirector user interface, so it is required on any system that is used to access the user interface.

  • A PDF viewer

    A PDF viewer is used inside the RICOH ProcessDirector user interface to display the contents of print jobs. It should be installed on any system that is used to access the user interface, but it is not required. If you open the user interface from a computer that does not have a PDF viewer installed, you see an error message if you try to view a job. Using Adobe Reader is recommended as it provides the most functionality.