Operating Instructions User’s Guide
In this section:
- Introduction
- Overview
- TutorialsThe tutorials provide step-by-step instructions that you can follow to better understand the functions and operations of this application.
- ConfigurationYou can register and configure the printers that you want to use with TotalFlow Prep and manage the paper catalog. To improve productivity, you can also set preferences to customize general, display, and external program settings.
- Preparing JobsTotalFlow Prep lets you create jobs from scanned documents and electronic files. You can also automatically apply presets, tab settings, and chapter settings when the job is created.
- Editing JobsAfter you create a job, you can use the functions of TotalFlow Prep to change the page layout and edit the original pages. You can also specify job properties such as imposition, paper, finishing, and output settings.
- Printing and Saving JobsAfter you finish editing jobs and specify all the required settings, you can send the jobs to the printer, and then check their progress and results. You can also save the jobs for later use.
- Working with PresetsTo increase efficiency, you can register frequently used functions and settings as job presets. The presets can then be applied directly to a job or they can be associated with a hot folder for automated processing.
- TroubleshootingIf you encounter problems while you are working with TotalFlow Prep, you might be able to solve them by using the information in this section.
- ReferenceYou can use this section to find more information about supported file formats, port settings, and firewall exceptions.
Parent topic: RICOH TotalFlow Prep