Font Mapping File

The afpfont.fnt file specifies the AFP font objects (coded fonts, code pages, and character sets) that should be explicitly processed by the AFP2PDF Plus Transform. AFP raster fonts can be converted to Adobe Type 3 fonts and embedded in the output PDF file. AFP outline fonts can be converted to Adobe Type 1 fonts and embedded in the output PDF file.

Font Mapping File Example shows examples of specifying AFP font objects in this file. The ? wildcard in the second character of character set names (C?RAST01) and coded font names (X?RAST01) can be used to handle efficiently different rotations of raster fonts. The * wildcard used in typical file name matching can also be used to specify multiple resource names (C?MRAS*) with a single entry.

If the AFP font is a raster font, it is also possible to map it to a PDF environment font but have the transform process only specific characters from the AFP font object. For example, C?H00040 84,98,C1 uses AFP raster fonts for code points X’84’, x’98’, and X’C1’ and the information defined in the font definition files for all other characters.

AFP fonts consist of multiple parts, including the coded font, code page, and character set objects. All the necessary object names must be listed in the appropriate section. Otherwise, the AFP font is not explicitly processed.

Font Mapping File Example

;Coded Font

;Code Page

;Character Set
C?H00040 84,98,C1
C?* 0