You want to receive your messages about printer1-q in your E-mail instead of through InfoPrint Manager Notifications. You view the notification profile, and see this entry:
printer1-q: notification-profile={event-identifiers = object-cleaned object-deleted queue-backlogged delivery-method = message delivery-address = “admin@desk1.office.com” locale = en_US}
Issue this command to add another entry to the notification profile with a different delivery method and delivery address.
pdset -c queue -x “notification-profile+={event-identifiers=object-cleaned object-deleted queue-backlogged delivery-method=electronic-mail delivery-address=”admin@mycompany.com“ locale=en_US}” printer1-q
Then view the notification profile again and see two entries:
printer1-q: notification-profile= {event-identifiers = object-cleaned object-deleted queue-backlogged delivery-method = message delivery-address = “admin@desk1.office.com” locale = en_US} {event-identifiers = object-cleaned object-deleted queue-backlogged delivery-method = electronic-mail delivery-address = “admin@mycompany.com” locale = en_US}
Follow the procedure for removing a user to delete the entry that wo