Using the disk usage tool

The Disk Usage icon on the front panel of the CDE allows you to manually display information about total space and available space on a file system. To find this icon:

When you click the Disk Usage icon, AIX displays information for all currently mounted file systems as shown in this example:

Filesystem   512-blocks      Free %Used   Iused %Iused Mounted on
/dev/hd4          16384      7024   58%    1069  27%   /
/dev/hd2        1359872    493128   64%   17071  11%   /usr
/dev/hd9var       16384     13528   18%     305  15%   /var
/dev/hd3          32768     30984    6%      87   3%   /tmp
/dev/hd1          16384     15368    7%     136   7%   /home
/dev/lv00       1015808    983440    4%      66   1%   /var/psf
/dev/lv01       2015232   1951888    4%      16   1%   /var/psf/segments
/dev/lv02       3014656   2919936    4%      17   1%   /var/pd
The first column displays AIX file systems that are also directories. These directories are all subdirectories of the /dev parent directory, which means that they contain special files for I/O devices. The most important column is the fourth from the left that displays the percentage of each file system used.