Specifying InfoPrint attributes

The enhanced InfoPrint Select client lets you send InfoPrint attributes with your print jobs. Once you activate the attributes dialog (see Selecting enhanced or standard InfoPrint Select), the Job Settings window appears when you submit a job. By clicking on the Scheduling tab, you can modify the default scheduling values on the InfoPrint server from your InfoPrint Select client. By clicking on the Other tab, you can:

  • Specify an attribute file that you have created with particular values that will be passed onto the InfoPrint server (for example, C:\combo.att).
  • Specify an individual attribute that will be passed onto the InfoPrint server ( for example, job-name=Job1).
  • Suppress job submission error messages that lets you disable submission error message boxes. This enables unattended operation.
  • Re-spool jobs if submission fails that lets you automatically re-spool failed job submissions. Re-spooled jobs will be placed in the windows print queue in a paused state. The reason for the paused state will be shown in the "Comments" column of the printer dialog if the user has administrator privileges. To resubmit the print job you need to highlight the job in the printer dialog, then Restart and