Viewing and canceling jobs

After you have submitted your job, InfoPrint Select lets you access the InfoPrint Manager server queues to view the status of jobs and hold, cancel, or release jobs. Use this procedure:
  1. Access the Select Target Printer dialog by clicking the icon in the system taskbar.
    • The Select Target Printer dialog starts automatically when Windows first loads. To start the InfoPrint Manager Printers dialog at another time, go to Start Programs InfoPrint Select Open Printer Selection.
  2. In the Select Target Printer dialog, select the printer that you want to check from the Target Printer Selection list.
  3. Right-click your selection and select View Jobs.
  4. From the printer_nameInfoPrint Manager Jobs dialog, you can hold, cancel, or release jobs in the queue on the InfoPrint Manager server.

The InfoPrint Manager Jobs dialog displays a list of all the jobs you have submitted to print. The most recently submitted job is at the top of the list. For each job, the list includes the job name, the date and time it was submitted, its global ID, the page count, the job originator, and the LDAP user.

The default is to list only the jobs that you have submitted. If you want all jobs listed, go to the View menu and select Show all users jobs.

You can also check the properties of a specific job. Click a job to select it, then select Job Properties from the Job menu or click the Job Properties toolbar button. Information about the selected job is shown on the six tabs on the dialog. The fields on the Job Properties dialog are not editable.