Software prerequisites for translated versions of InfoPrint Manager

You must install language support from the Linux operating system DVD-ROM, if it is not already installed, on to each Linux system that will run an InfoPrint server in a non-English supported language. InfoPrint Manager supports English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, and Japanese.

  • For compatible communication between InfoPrint Manager servers running on different platforms (AIX, Linux and Windows) and all its clients available on AIX, Linux, Mac, and Windows, the recommendation is to use the Linux terminal in the default code page (UTF-8) when issuing commands (e.g. pdpr, pdls, a.s.o).
  • For customers running InfoPrint Manager for Linux in Japanese, the InfoPrint installer defines the Ja_JP locale (which is using the Shift JIS code page). This is needed for keeping the compatibility between InfoPrint Manager components running on AIX or Windows.

Use the locale -a command to see if the base Linux support is installed for your language. If it is not installed, you must install it before proceeding further.

To install a language on an Linux operating system, use this procedure:

On RedHat Enterprise Linux

To install a new language from the GNOME interface, follow the steps:

  1. Login as root.
  2. Go to System → Administration → Language.
  3. Select one of the supported Infoprint Manager languages.
  4. Click OK.
  5. System language installation starts, you might be asked for the Linux operating system DVD-ROM.

To install a new language from the command line terminal, follow the steps:

  1. Login as root.
  2. Run command system-config-language.
  3. Select one of the supported Infoprint Manager languages.
  4. Click Yes.
  5. System language installation starts, you might be asked for the Linux operating system DVD-ROM.

On SUSE Linux Enterprise Linux

To install a new language from the GNOME interface, follow the steps:

  1. Login as root.
  2. Go to Computer → Control Center → Language.
  3. On the Primary Language select one of the supported Infoprint Manager languages.
  4. Open the Language Detail menu by clicking Details button.
  5. On Locale Settings for User root you must set it to Yes for InfoPrint Manager to work.
  6. Click OK to complete the Language Details.
  7. Click OK on the Languages menu.
  8. System language installation starts, you might be asked for the Linux operating system DVD-ROM.

To install a new language from the command line terminal, follow the steps:

  1. Login as root.
  2. Run command yast.
  3. Go to System → Language.
  4. On the Primary Language select one of the supported Infoprint Manager languages.
  5. Open the Language Detail menu by clicking Details button.
  6. On Locale Settings for User root you must set it to Yes for InfoPrint Manager to work.
  7. Click OK to complete the Language Details.
  8. Click OK on the Languages menu.
  9. System language installation starts, you might be asked for the Linux operating system DVD-ROM.

Note: For more information about installing different languages on your operating system, access the specific operating system documentation.