Updating properties for AFP banner pages

For jobs sent to AFP printers, you can update the banner_page_property_values.cfg configuration file for the properties that banner pages can use. The configuration file defines the elements that can print on banner pages, including properties of jobs, printers, load plans, and other objects, system settings, and text strings. A sample banner_page_code_page_mapping.cfg file is installed in /aiw/aiw1/samples/banner_pages/ and in /aiw/aiw1/control_files/banner_pages/.
Note: Updates might overwrite files in the /aiw/aiw1/samples/banner_pages/ directory, but they do not overwrite files in the /aiw/aiw1/control_files/banner_pages/ directory. We recommend copying sample files into the /aiw/aiw1/control_files/banner_pages/ directory and making all your changes in the copied file.
When RICOH ProcessDirector assigns a job to a printer, it generates the jobnumber.banner_attributes.txt file in the spool directory for the job. This file contains the properties notebook names and job-specific resolved values for all the properties that the banner_page_property_values.cfg file contains.
To update the properties for AFP banner pages:
  1. Log in to the primary computer as the RICOH ProcessDirector system user ( aiw1 is the default).
  2. Navigate to /aiw/aiw1/control_files/banner_pages/.
  3. Open the banner_page_property_values.cfg file with a text editor.
  4. Add entries to or delete entries from the file, as required for the installation.
    Each entry in the file has two lines. The first line contains text strings and database property names, separated by commas. Database property names are delimited with brackets ([]). The second line expresses the first line as a symbol formula. For example:
    • This example defines a job property. The symbol name is the same as the job property name.
    • This example defines a printer property:
    • This example defines a system setting:
    • This example defines a barcode that includes an initial text string, two job properties, and a final text string:
    • This example defines a property of the load plan associated with the job. The ampersand (&) indicates that the properties are nested.
      &[Job.Insert.LoadPlan.ID] [LoadPlan.Media]
      ${Job.Insert.LoadPlan.ID} ${LoadPlan.Media}
    • This example defines a single instance of a job property that can have different values for different phases and steps. The example resolves to one value:
    • This example defines all instances of a job property that can have different values for different phases and steps. This example can resolve to several values:

    When RICOH ProcessDirector assigns a job to a printer and generates the jobnumber.banner_attributes.txt file, it resolves entries from the configuration file. Depending on settings in the individual banner-page configuration files, such as /aiw/aiw1/control_files/banner_pages/header.cfg, it can resolve entries like this:

    Job copies requested: 1
    SO: SO Job number: 10000007 Total sheets: 11 2009: 2009
    &[Job.Insert.LoadPlan.ID] [LoadPlan.Media.Value]

  5. Save the configuration file. All the properties that the file defines are now available to use with AFP banner pages.