Updating the coded font and code page mappings for AFP banner pages

For jobs sent to AFP printers, you can update the banner_page_code_page_mapping.cfg configuration file to add custom coded font and code page mappings to use with banner pages. If you create your own coded fonts, you specify them in this file so that RICOH ProcessDirector can use them. A sample banner_page_code_page_mapping.cfg file is installed in /aiw/aiw1/samples/banner_pages/ (Linux) or C:\aiw\aiw1\samples\banner_pages\ (Windows) and in /aiw/aiw1/control_files/banner_pages/ (Linux) or C:\aiw\aiw1\control_files\banner_pages\ (Windows).
Note: Updates might overwrite files in the /aiw/aiw1/samples/banner_pages/ directory, but they do not overwrite files in the /aiw/aiw1/control_files/banner_pages/ directory. We recommend copying sample files into the /aiw/aiw1/control_files/banner_pages/ directory and making all your changes in the copied file.

Any coded fonts that you create must be in one of these directories so that RICOH ProcessDirector can locate and use them:

  • The directory that the AFP resource path property for the job associated with the banner page specifies
  • /aiw/aiw1/resources
  • /usr/lpp/psf/reslib
To update coded font and code page mappings for AFP banner pages:
  1. Log in to the primary computer as the RICOH ProcessDirector system user ( aiw1 is the default).
  2. Navigate to /aiw/aiw1/control_files/banner_pages/.
  3. Open the banner_page_code_page_mapping.cfg file with a text editor.
    Lines that begin with a number sign (#) are comments that contain information and instructions.
  4. Add your custom coded font and code page mappings to the section near the top of the file for user-defined information. Use this format:
  5. Save the configuration file. You can now use your custom coded fonts with banner pages.
Note: Make sure that any coded fonts that you define in the configuration file support the Intelligent Printer Data Stream (IPDS) resolution of the printer that will print the banner page. Depending on the printer model, you can also set the resolution at the printer to AUTO. For more information, see the documentation for the printer.