Defining a Ricoh PDF printer to send jobs to RICOH TotalFlow Print server

Define a Ricoh PDF printer to represent a cut sheet printer that has the RICOH TotalFlow Print server console and is on the list of supported printers.
To send PDF jobs to a printer that uses a Ricoh PDF printer:
  1. Log in to RICOH ProcessDirector.
  2. Click the Administration tab.
  3. In the left pane, click Devices → Printers.
  4. Click Add → Ricoh PDF Printer.
  5. Set these values as indicated:
    • Type of printer

      The type or model of printer you are connecting to.

    • Use SNMP

      Make sure that this value is set to Yes.

  6. Click OK.
  7. Continue with the procedure for Configuring media for a Ricoh TotalFlow printer .