Naming custom document properties in more than one language

To define user interface names and descriptive information for your custom document properties in more than one language, you edit a language-specific version of the file for each language. After you update your custom document properties, RICOH ProcessDirector displays the user interface names and descriptive information for the custom document properties in each language.

In a single-language environment, the preferred method of defining user interface text for custom document properties is to use the caption and description attributes of the docProperty element in the docCustomDefinitions.xml file. If you are using a single language and all custom document property descriptive text is defined in docCustomDefinitions.xml, do not edit the file.

To name custom document properties in more than one language:

  1. Make a working copy of the file for each language:
    • The first time that you name custom document properties in more than one language, make one copy of the sample file for each language except your default language. Navigate to this directory:

      • /aiw/aiw1/samples/config on Linux

      • C:\aiw\aiw1\samples\config on Windows

      Copy the file to a working directory.

      Name each file For example:

      • (German)

      • (English)

      • (Spanish)

      • (French)

      • (Italian)

      • (Japanese)

      • (Brazilian Portuguese)

      • Do not create a file for your default language.

      • Make sure each file is owned by the RICOH ProcessDirector system user and group (aiw1 and aiwgrp1 are the defaults).

    • When you name additional document properties in more than one language, navigate to this directory:

      • /aiw/aiw1/config on Linux

      • C:\aiw\aiw1\config on Windows

      Copy each file to a working directory.

  2. Edit each file to add your new custom document properties.

    The entry for each custom document property has three lines:

    • Short caption

    • User interface name

    • Description

    These lines add two custom document properties with the database names Doc.Custom.AccountNumber and Doc.Custom.StatementDate to the file:

    Doc.Custom.AccountNumber.Short=Número de cuentaDoc.Custom.AccountNumber=Número de cuentaDoc.Custom.AccountNumber.Description=Número de cuenta del clienteDoc.Custom.StatementDate.Short=Fecha de extractoDoc.Custom.StatementDate=Fecha de extractoDoc.Custom.StatementDate.Description=Fecha en que se creó el extracto

    Keep a backup copy of each edited file for recovery purposes.

  3. If you did not create the file in Latin-1 or Unicode format, run the native2ascii utility to convert the file to Unicode Latin-1 format.

    • On Linux, the native2ascii utility is at /opt/infoprint/ippd/jre/bin.

    • On Windows, the native2ascii.exe utility is at C:\Program Files\Ricoh\ProcessDirector\jre\bin.

    For more information, see the related topic about considerations for a system with more than one language in the information center.

  4. Make sure that each file uses the ISO-8859-1 character encoding format (codepage).
    If your files use a different format, such as Shift JIS or UTF-8, convert them to ISO-8859-1 format before placing them in the configuration directory.
  5. Copy each edited file to the configuration directory:
    • /aiw/aiw1/config on Linux
    • C:\aiw\aiw1\config on Windows
    • Do not delete the file. The system requires a file with that name in the configuration directory.
  6. Make the custom document properties that you have named in multiple languages available to RICOH ProcessDirector:
    1. Run the docCustom utility.
      The first time that you run the docCustom utility, it creates the Custom Document Properties feature and adds it to Feature Manager. When you run the utility again, it adds an updated Custom Document Properties feature to Feature Manager.
    2. Use Feature Manager to install or update the Custom Document Properties feature.
  7. Load the RICOH ProcessDirector updated custom document properties to the tool you use to configure document properties:
    • If you have the PDF Document Support feature, load RICOH ProcessDirector document properties to RICOH ProcessDirector Plug-in for Adobe Acrobat.

      For more information, see the related topic in the information center.

    • If you have the AFP Support feature, use one of these methods to start RICOH Visual Workbench:
      • Start RICOH Visual Workbench from the RICOH ProcessDirector server.

      • Replace the RICOH Visual Workbench application on your desktop:

        • Delete the file and all of the unzipped files.

        • Download the file from the RICOH ProcessDirector user interface.

        • Unzip the file, and start the new RICOH Visual Workbench desktop application.

      The document properties are loaded automatically.