Submitting Jobs with lpr Print Command
This is an example of how you can submit jobs through lpr print command
- Open a Windows Command Prompt and enter lpr. If the lpr command is available, the Usage note is displayed.
- If, instead of the Usage note, a message is displayed saying that the lpr command is not recognized as an
internal command, follow these steps:
- In the Start menu, click
- In the Turn Windows features on or off dialog, expand Print and Document Services options list.
- Select LPR Port Monitor.
You do not need to restart Windows.
Note: The above procedure is for Windows 11. There might be minor differences on other operating
To submit jobs through lpr print command:
- Log in to TotalFlow Production Manager as an administrator.
- In the menu bar, click Operations.
- Make sure that there are a Passthrough printer and a workflow associated with it.
- Select the workflow, click More, then click Editor and Properties....
- In the Workflow dialog, open the Properties page.
- Select LPD as job submission type.
- In the All Jobs pod, click
the tools icon, then Manage Columns....
You see the Manage Columns... dialog: - Select the Department property in the Manage Columns..., dialog.
- Click OK.
- In the Windows Command Prompt, use the below lpr print command line to send a file to the workflow:lpr —S serverName —P workflowName C:\PDF\FileName.pdf —J departmentName.When the job arrives in TotalFlow Production Manager, the Department property is set to department name value.