Specifying JCL Statements to run the host server program in a startable address space
You can run the host server program either in a startable address space or as a job managed by an MVS initiator. This section describes how to run the host server program in a startable address space.
You must place a JCL PROC in a PROCLIB and use the MVS START command to run the PROC. The JCL must execute the AFP Upload server program, named AUPTCPS. This program is written in the PL/I language. It requires that the Language Environment runtime library be included in the STEPLIB definition. The AFP Upload server program also requires that the SYSPRINT DD name be allocated. For more information about the SYSPRINT DD name used by the host server program, see Specifying the SYSPRINT DD statement.
You can use the MVS START and CANCEL commands to control execution of the host server program. The host server program does not support or respond to the MVS STOP and DISPLAY commands.