How does the pdaccount command collect InfoPrint server accounting information?

To activate InfoPrint server account log support, you must change the log-accounting-data value. By default, the InfoPrint Manager value is log-accounting-data=false, and the actual destination default is to use the server setting. As a result, you must set the log-accounting-data attribute as follows:

  • To activate accounting for all destinations on a server:

    Set the server's log-accounting-data attribute to True (if an actual destination hasn't specified this attribute, the server's log-accounting-data attribute is used)

  • To activate accounting for a specific actual destination:

    Set the log-accounting-data attribute to True for that specific actual destination. Otherwise, the value of the log-accounting-data attribute for the server is used.

  • To deactivate accounting for all destinations on a server:

    Set the log-accounting-data attribute to False (if an actual destination hasn't specified this attribute, the server's log-accounting-data attribute is used).

  • To deactivate accounting for a specific actual destination:

    Set the log-accounting-data attribute to False for that specific actual destination. Otherwise, the value of the log-accounting-data attribute for the server is used.

You can change the log-accounting-data attribute with a pdset command or the InfoPrint Manager Administration GUI. For more information about the InfoPrint Manager Administration GUI, see RICOH InfoPrint Manager for AIX: Getting Started.

By default, the pdaccount command obtains this accounting information from one or more InfoPrint Manager servers:

  • actual destination name
  • job owner
  • global job-id
  • submission time
  • completion time
  • pages-completed
  • octets-completed
  • data stream
  • job name

To use the accounting log version, you must set the accounting-log-version value. By default, the accounting-log-version value is not set. To use the same accounting-log-version value for all actual destinations on a server, set the server's accounting-log-version attribute to the desired text value and make sure that the accounting-log-version attribute is not set on the actual destinations.

The accounting-log-version attribute is logged only if it has a value. By setting the accounting-log-version attribute, a new field is appended after the currently fixed set of logged attributes which shifts the previous layout of additional accounting data.

The actual destinations attribute additional-accounting-log-attributes contains the job and document attributes that you define to record in the accounting log for each destination. You can use the actual destination attribute additional-accounting-log-attributes to define additional job and document attributes that you want included in the log. These attributes are:

  • accounting1-text
  • accounting2-text
  • accounting3-text
  • account-text
  • actual-destinations-requested
  • address1-text
  • address2-text
  • address3-text
  • address4-text
  • auxiliary-sheet-selection
  • base-printer
  • building-text callback-number
  • chars
  • color-bits-per-plane
  • color-mapping-table
  • color-profile
  • color-rendering-intent
  • color-toner-saver
  • copy-count
  • creation-time
  • default-input-tray
  • default-medium
  • department-text
  • destination-accounting1-text
  • destination-accounting2-text
  • destination-accounting3-text
  • destination-company-text
  • destination-locations-requested
  • destination-models-requested
  • destination-name-requested
  • destination-pass-through
  • destinations-used
  • document-comment
  • document-content
  • document-file-name
  • document-finishing
  • document-type
  • email-from-address
  • email-to-address
  • font-resolution
  • form-definition
  • halftone input-tray-select
  • job-batch
  • job-client-id
  • job-comment
  • job-copies-completed
  • job-deadline-time
  • job-discard-time
  • job-finishing
  • job-media-sheet-count
  • job-originator
  • job-page-count
  • job-priority
  • job-retain-until
  • job-retention-period
  • media-sheets-completed
  • modification-time
  • mvs-destination
  • mvs-forms
  • mvs-segment-id
  • name-of-last-accessor
  • name-text
  • node-id-text
  • number-of-documents
  • number-up
  • octet-count
  • originating-company-text
  • output-format
  • page-count
  • page-definition
  • page-select
  • plex
  • print-quality
  • processing-time
  • programmer-text
  • promotion-time
  • queue-assigned
  • record-count
  • resource-context
  • results-profile
  • room-text
  • sheet-range
  • sides
  • started-printing-time
  • subject-text
  • title-text
  • user-id-text
  • user-locale
  • user-name
  • x-image-shift
  • x-image-shift-back
  • y-image-shift
  • y-image-shift-back
Note: You only get the accounting-log-version attribute if you specify pdaccount —t all.

The user-defined accounting information is added at the end of the current accounting information log. Only the attributes for the first printable document of the job are logged.

If you wanted to request summary information group by destinations on an InfoPrint Manager server named Server1 from 8 a.m. on 9/20/99 to 8 a.m. on 9/27/99, specify this command from a command line:

pdaccount  -t destination  -s '08:00:00 09/20/99'  -e '08:00:00 09/27/99'

InfoPrint displays the information in a format similar to this:

Destination Name,Pages Completed,Octets Completed

where Printer1 specifies the actual destination, 12997 indicates the pages completed, and 1989787763 indicates the octets completed in the specified week.

For more information about using the pdaccount command, see RICOH InfoPrint Manager: Reference or the pdaccount man page.

The various DSSs for actual destinations report pages-completed differently. For example, actual destinations created using the PSF DSS report the number of Intelligent Printer Data Stream (IPDS) pages printed, based upon the number of begin-page and end-page structured field pairs in the data. As a result, if you print a 2–up document as duplex, you could get a page count of 4 for a single sheet of paper. However, if you created an actual destination through the AIX DSS (which does not support number-up printing), it counts each side-sheet printed as a single page. As a result, if you print duplex, you will get a page count of 2 for each sheet printed out.