The output data user-exit program

The InfoPrint Manager output data user-exit program is used to monitor the outgoing print data stream from InfoPrint Manager. This exit is called at the end of the job before the error messages and the trailer page.

The source code (in the C programming language) for the sample output data user-exit program listed on page What sample user-exit programs are available? is in the /usr/lpp/psf/exits/ainuxout.c file. This sample program consists of a return and performs no function.

The data structures for the output data user-exit program are included with the source code in the /usr/lpp/psf/exits/ainuexit.h file. The code for these structures is shown in User-exit program structures.

The declaration of this exit is:


The OUTDATA_EXITDATA input/output parameter contains all the input and output data needed to communicate between InfoPrint Manager and the user-exit program.

These fields are also found in the output data user-exit program:

Indicates which copy is associated with this call to the exit. Initially set to 1, it increments by one each time the exit is called.