Management Console Page

Enter the IP address and port number of the computer in the address bar of a web browser to display the Management Console page.

For details, see Starting the Management Console in a Web Browser.

Management Console page
1. Location:
Select the location of the graph to display. A location points to a group of printers that are registered in Initial Settings. Select All to display all printers.
2. Date Range:
Specify the period to display a graph.
3. Change View:
Specify whether to display a graph for each printer model, or for each paper.
4. Printer Name:
Indicates the printer that is registered in the selected Location:. You can narrow down the graph to display by clearing the checkbox of the printer to hide its plot on the graph.
5. Paper to Display:
Displays Paper to Display: that is registered in Location: that you selected. You can narrow down the graph to display by clearing the checkbox of Paper to Display: to hide its plot points on the graph.
6. Printing condition:
Select a color chart to display in the graph from the following:
  • JC Digital, Wedge: Determines the color reproducibility from the measurement results of Japan Color control strip (54 colors) and average of 4 measurements of the same colors.
  • ISO12647-8 Coated V3: Determines the color reproducibility from the measurement results of Fogra Media Wedge V3 (72 colors) and average of 4 measurements of the same colors
  • Verify GRACoL 2013, Wedge: Determines the color reproducibility from the measurement results of Digital Press control strip 2013 (84 colors) and average of 4 measurements of the same colors.
  • Simple Gray Scale, Wedge 2013: Confirms the color reproducibility of Simple Grayscale based on the measurement results of Digital Press control strip 2013 (average of 84 colors × 4 sets).
  • ISO12647-8:2021 Coated V3: Confirms the color reproducibility of ISO 12647-8:2021 [VPC] based on the measurement results of Fogra Media Wedge (average of 72 colors × 4 sets).
7. Management Console/ Initial Settings
Select Management Console or Initial Settings to switch between these two pages.
8. Language button ([Language] button)
Select the Language button to change the display language. You can switch between English, Japanese, German, French, Spanish, Dutch, or Italian.
9. Help button ([Help] button)
Select the Help button to display the user manual.
10. Export
Select Export to save a report file in CSV format.
11. Save
Select Save to update the value after changing Date Range:.
12. Graph
The values that correspond to the settings specified in Location:, Change View:, Date Range:, and Printing condition: are displayed in a graph with the date as the horizontal axis. For details about the graph, see Management Console Graph.