Report Containing Graph Data
You can export a report based on the line graph displayed on the Management Console page. The report file is exported as a CSV file.
Items Included in the Report File
Item in report file | Description |
IP Address | IP Address |
Server Name | DFE name |
Machine Name | Printer name |
Location | Category |
Paper Type | Paper type |
Paper Name | Paper name |
ICC Profile Name | ICC profile name |
Printing Condition | Chart name |
Max Threshold 1, 2 Ave Threshold 1, 2 95 Percentile [without boundary patches] Threshold 2, 5 Ave [without boundary patches] Threshold 2, 5 K gray average wΔL Threshold 4 K gray maximum wΔL Threshold 4 CMY gray average wΔL Threshold 4 CMY gray maximum wΔL Threshold 4 CMY gray average wΔCh Threshold 4 CMY gray maximum wΔCh Threshold 4 CMY gray DeltaCh AVE Threshold 5 CMY gray DeltaCh MAX Threshold 5 Paper White DELTA Threshold 5 |
Standards for Various Charts |
Date Time | Date and time (year, month, day, hour, minute, and second) of the measurement |
DELTA | Value of individual color deviation |
DELTA AVE 1, 3 | Average delta E |
DELTA AVE [without boundary patches] 2, 5 | Average delta E excluding boundary patches |
95 Percentile [without boundary patches] 2, 5 | Delta E of 95th percentile patches excluding boundary patches |
CMY gray average wΔL 4 | Average weighted delta L of CMY gray |
CMY gray maximum wΔL 4 | Maximum weighted delta L of CMY gray |
K gray average wΔL 4 | Average weighted delta L of K gray |
K gray maximum wΔL 4 | Maximum weighted delta L of K gray |
CMY gray average wΔCh 4 | Average weighted delta Ch of CMY gray |
CMY gray maximum wΔCh 4 | Maximum weighted delta Ch of CMY gray |
CMY gray DeltaCh AVE 5 | Average delta Ch of composite gray |
CMY gray DeltaCh MAX 5 | Maximum delta Ch of composite gray |
Paper White DELTA 5 | Delta E of paper whiteness |
1 When using the JC Digital, Wedge chart
2 When using the ISO12647-8 Coated V3 chart
3 When using the Verify GRACoL 2013, Wedge chart
4 When using the Simple Gray Scale, Wedge 2013 chart
5 When using the ISO12647-8:2021 Coated V3 chart