Remote access basics
Before you use a script while remotely accessing a server through the Connect extension, be sure you have:
Access to port 1801 on the server
The standard XML-RPC library that is installed with Python
Every script needs to access the server. The connect.Login proxy object shown in the example below is one way to obtain that access. It creates an authenticated proxy object that is used to submit calls during a session. Including the primary host as part of the connect.Login proxy object allows you to test the connection and ensure that it and the proxy are valid.
Every script must also end access to the server after using the proxy to submit calls. The connectLogout proxy object shown in the figure below is one way to end access to the server. If you don’t log out and allow extra sessions to continue, those sessions can possibly slow your machine by unnecessarily using resources.
One method for using these functions is to define them in a utility file and import them into a script. This method keeps the functions defined as long as you need them.