Document.getCurrentJob([ ], string docID)

Use this call to see the attributes of the specified document and the job attributes of the job the document is associated with.


Parameter Description
[ ] Use “[ ]” to return only the core set of attributes for each document. This call does not support the convention of "None" representing all available attributes.
docID ID number of the document


This call returns the attributes of the specified document. It also returns the job attributes of the job the document is associated with. An exception is thrown if the document is not associated with a job. Although it returns only a stock set of job attributes, Job.get can then be used with the job ID to get more information.


from ConnectDefs import * 
import xmlrpclib

myProxy = None

   myProxy = connectLogin("AcmeServer", "aiw", "password") 
   myJobData = myProxy.Document.getCurrentJob([], "4301")
   print myJobData
except xmlrpcFault, err:
   print err.faultString + " (" + str(err.faultCode) + ")"
   connectLogout(myProxy, "aiw")

{'Job.ID': '10000017', 'Job.SubmitTime': <DateTime '20130615T14:00:07' at 
12b83c8>, 'Job.Phase': 'Assemble', 'Type': 'Job', 'Job.State': 'Manual