Backing up data

You can use a backup script to archive a copy of your RICOH ProcessDirector system configuration.
To back up RICOH ProcessDirector data:
  1. Stop all application and secondary servers. The backup procedure stops the primary server automatically.
  2. Log in to the primary computer as the root user.
  3. Enter /opt/infoprint/ippd/bin/ with any of these options:
    -f filename
    Back up data to a directory and file name other than the default, which is /tmp/aiw_backup_data.[timestamp].tar.gz.
    Do not make a backup image of the database. Use this option if the database is on a different computer.
    Input files and job files (the files in the spool directory that contain job information, including copies of input files) are saved by default. A backup with the -r option does not save input files or job files, but it does save jobs. System data and control files are always saved.
    • The -r option is slightly different on the aiwbackup and aiwrestore commands:
      • On aiwbackup, the -r option backs up the system without including input files or job files. It does not delete the jobs from the system.
      • On aiwrestore, the -r option restores the system without restoring jobs, input files, or job files.
      If you use the -r option when you back up RICOH ProcessDirector, you should also use it when you restore the system to avoid restoring jobs whose files have not been saved.
    -h or -?
    Display help for the aiwbackup command.
    For example, this command saves data, including jobs, but not including input files or job files, to a file called mybackup.tar.gz:
    • /opt/infoprint/ippd/bin/ -f mybackup.tar.gz -r
    You see a message that all servers will be stopped, whether jobs and input files will be backed up, and the location of the backed up files.
  4. Enter Y to proceed with the backup.
    When the backup is complete, you see a message that the backup was successful.