Restoring data

You can use a RICOH ProcessDirector restore script to return your system to the configuration that you stored in a backup archive.
To restore RICOH ProcessDirector to a previous level, including any service updates, you must back up your data before you install an update of RICOH ProcessDirector.
Keep these considerations in mind when restoring a RICOH ProcessDirector level:
  • All existing jobs and input files from the current RICOH ProcessDirector level are removed when you restore to a previous level.
  • You can only restore the backup to a system that has the same host name and the same RICOH ProcessDirector features installed as the system on which you performed the backup.
  • If you used a new level of RICOH ProcessDirector and then restored to a previous level, or if you installed and used the previous level before you restored the backup files, any changes you made to system data, control files, or user data is lost. Therefore, if you need to restore your backup files, do it as soon as possible to reduce the amount of lost data.

To restore RICOH ProcessDirector data:

  1. Stop the base product and all application/secondary servers.
  2. On all computers, install the same level of RICOH ProcessDirector as the backup you previously created.
  3. Log in to the primary computer as the root user.
  4. Enter /opt/infoprint/ippd/bin/ with any of these options:
    -f filename
    Restore data from a directory and file name other than the default, which is: /tmp/aiw_backup_data.[timestamp].tar.gz
    Do not restore the database. Use this option if the database is on a different computer than the base product.
    Jobs, input files, and job files (the files in the spool directory that contain job information, including copies of input files) are restored by default. A backup with the -r option does not restore jobs, input files, or job files. System data and control files are always restored.
    Important: The -r option is slightly different on the aiwbackup and aiwrestore commands:
    • On aiwbackup, the -r option backs up the system without including input files or job files. It does not delete the jobs from the system.
    • On aiwrestore, the -r option restores the system without restoring jobs, input files, or job files.
    If you used the -r option when you backed up RICOH ProcessDirector, you should also use it when you restore the system to avoid restoring jobs whose files have not been saved.
    -h or -?
    Display help for the aiwrestore command.
    For example, this command restores data, not including jobs, input files, or job files, from a file called mybackup.tar.gz:

    /opt/infoprint/ippd/bin/ -f mybackup.tar.gz -r

    You see a message that all servers will be stopped and the location the files are restored from.
  5. Enter Y to proceed with the restore.
    When the restore is complete, you see a message that the restore was successful.
  6. Start the base product and application/secondary servers to use the restored level of RICOH ProcessDirector.