Managing media and finishing options
For each page-level media or finishing option, the Range column shows the page selection or the name of the rule that RICOH ProcessDirector Plug-in for Adobe Acrobat uses to apply the option to documents in the PDF file. The Paper substitution column shows media options, and the Subset finishing column shows finishing options.
To specify a new page-level media or finishing option, click the icon.
To work with a page-level media or finishing option, select it. Click the icon to modify the option or the
icon to delete it.
To revise the order in which page-level media and finishing options are applied to the PDF file, select an option. Then click the up or down arrow to move it.
RICOH ProcessDirector Plug-in for Adobe Acrobat applies the page-level options to the PDF file in the order that they appear on the list, from top to bottom. If two page-level options specify conflicting selections for the same page (for example, two different types of media), RICOH ProcessDirector Plug-in for Adobe Acrobat applies the option that is lower on the list.
For example, the first option specifies Letter Blue media for the first page of each document in the PDF file. The second option specifies Letter Gold media for the first page of each document for a Gold Club member. When the PDF file is printed, the first page of every document for a Gold Club member prints on Letter Gold media. The first page of every other document prints on Letter Blue media. If the option for Letter Blue media is below the option for Letter Gold media, the first page of every document prints on Letter Blue media. No first pages print on Letter Gold media.