Quick Color Adjustment Dialog

To display the Quick Color Adjustment dialog, start the RICOH Auto Color Adjuster and select Quick Color Adjustment.

You can view the working status of the color adjustment process. You can also check the color verification results.Viewing the Quick Color Adjustment dialog

1. Machine Status
Displays the status of the machine.
2. Scan
Scans the color chart for creating a profile.
3. Chart Scan/Profile Creation and Registration
Displays the list of color adjustment jobs. Up to 20 jobs are displayed, while older jobs are removed from this view, in chronological order.
  • Printer Name: Displays the name of the printer used for the color adjustment process.
  • Paper Name: Displays the name of the paper associated with your printer on the Initial Settings page.
  • Date/Time: Displays the date and time when the application scans files for the color adjustment process.
  • Pre-judgement: Displays the values of the color deviation on a page, between pages, and the CMYK values. If one or both color deviation values are displayed in red, then those values in red exceed the threshold defined by the alert or error criteria. If one or more CMYK values are displayed in red, then those values in red are below the threshold defined by the alert or error criteria. For troubleshooting information, see Error and Warning Messages.
  • Create Profile: Displays the status of the profile creation process.
  • Register Profile to DFE: Displays the status of the profile registration process.

After you scan a color chart for creating a profile, the process proceeds in the following order: Pre-judgement, Create Profile, and then Register Profile to DFE.

4. Message box
Displays a message if an error or warning occurs during a color adjustment process.
5. Color Verification Results
Displays the most recent results of evaluating the adjusted colors on the printer. Up to 20 color verification results are displayed, while older results are removed from this view, in chronological order.
  • Machine Name: Displays the printer name.
  • Paper Name: Displays the name of the paper registered to the printer in Initial Settings.
  • Date/Time: Displays the date and time when the application generates the color verification result.
  • Result: Displays the color verification result.
  • Avg.: Displays the value of the average color deviation, using one decimal place.
  • Max.: Displays the value of the maximum color deviation, using one decimal place.
  • Details: Displays a Details button for each color verification job. Select the button to display a dialog containing information related to the color verification results. If color verification has failed, the main causes why it might have failed are also displayed. For troubleshooting information, see NG Color Verification Results .