Common errors with AFP Upload using TCP/IP networks

The following contains common errors when using AFP Upload using TCP/IP networks. Each problem displays the Symptom and its Likely Causes and Resolutions:


You run the host server program as a job managed by an MVS initiator. After running for a period, the host server program ends with system code 522.

Likely Causes and Resolutions:

System code 522 indicates that all of the tasks in a job step were in a wait state for the time specified in the JWT parameter of the SMFPRMxx parmlib member. However, lengthy waits are normal during periods when no AFP Upload AIX clients send files to the host server program.

Specify TIME=NOLIMIT in the JCL EXEC statement for the host server program to bypass job step wait limits.


You provide values for class, destination, and forms when you enqueue a print file, but some of the values are not reflected on the SYSOUT data set created in the MVS JES spool.

Likely Causes and Resolutions:

If you use the AIX enq command and want to specify class, destination, and forms values, you must use the -o passthru option.

You should use only one -o passthru specification that includes all the values you want to provide. For example,

  • enq -P upload1 -o passthru=class=k,forms=std sample
is correct.

If you use the -o passthru specification more than once, only the last specification will be processed. For example,

  • enq -P upload1 -o passthru=class=k -o passthru=forms=std sample
is incorrect. The enq command will process the forms value, but will ignore the class value.


You enqueue an ASCII file to be uploaded, but InfoPrint Manager for AIX issues the following error message:

  • 0423-659, File ________ contains data of a type that cannot be processed by this PSF/6000 instance. For example, the PSF/6000 instance cannot process ASCII datatype files.

Likely Causes and Resolutions:

You cannot directly enqueue an ASCII file to be uploaded; you must use ACIF to transform the file into a AFP data stream file.


The host server program fails immediately after you start it. The SYSPRINT data set contains the following error:

  • INITAPI ERROR = 10191

Likely Causes and Resolutions:

The host server program referenced a TCP/IP address space name that is not correct or the address space name is correct but the address space is not running.

If you do not specify a TCP/IP address space name (TASN) when you start the host server program then TCPIP is assumed. If the TCP/IP address space name is not TCPIP, the host server program records this INITAPI macro error and ends.

If you specify a TCP/IP address space name (TASN) when you start the host server program but it is incorrect, the host server program also records this INITAPI macro error and ends.

Ask your system programmer for the z/OS TCP/IP address space name. Specify it to the host server program using the TASN configuration parameter. For details about the TASN configuration parameter and how to specify it, see General information about the host server program.


InfoPrint Manager for AIX issues the following error message:

  • 0423-655 PSF/6000 cannot communicate with the server program
  • at TCP port number ____ at Internet Protocol (IP) address ____.

Likely Causes and Resolutions:

The host server program is not started at the given IP address and TCP port number.

Ensure that the IP address is correct. Start the host server program. Ensure that the PORT number configuration parameter for the actual destination equals the PORTNUM value that you specified when you started the host server program. If you do not specify a PORTNUM value when you start the host server program then 6001 is used. For details about specifying the PORTNUM configuration parameter, see General information about the host server program. For details about creating a PSF TCP/IP printer, see “Creating and managing actual destinations” in RICOH InfoPrint Manager for AIX: Getting Started.