Installing server software and features locally with the Installer

Before running the InfoPrint Installer, make sure you have X-server installed on your workstation. You need X-Windows display support to run the install procedure.

This procedure steps through a local installation of the InfoPrint Manager for AIX base and features, using the InfoPrint Installer GUI.

  1. To install InfoPrint Manager server software or optional InfoPrint Manager for AIX features using the InfoPrint Manager for AIX Installer on the local AIX server, enter this command:

    The InfoPrint Manager Installer begins by checking your configuration and might display some messages regarding system checks and verifications.

  2. The first screen displayed is the Installer’s language selection screen. Select the language that you want to use with InfoPrint Manager Installer. For more information about how to add extra languages, see Adding or removing languages.

    Click OK to proceed.

  3. The Installer displays the Introduction screen. You are advised to quit all other programs before continuing with the installation.

    Click the Next button to proceed to the next screen. If you want to change something on the previous screen, click the Previous button.

    You may cancel the installation now by clicking the Cancel button.

  4. In the License Agreement dialog, select I accept the terms of the license agreement and click Next.
  5. In the Software Maintenance Agreement dialog, select I accept the terms of the license agreement and click Next.
  6. The Choose Install Type screen is displayed. Select InfoPrint Manager.
    • InfoPrint Manager: Selecting InfoPrint Manager installs or updates the base InfoPrint Manager software and allows Feature installation.
    • Add a Feature: Selecting Add a Feature allows you to add one or more Features to the InfoPrint Manager system. Requires separate Feature DVD-ROMs. See the RICOH InfoPrint Manager for AIX: Getting Started guide for more information.
    • Apply Service: Selecting Apply Service allows you to install the most recent service updates. See Applying service for more information.

    Click Next to proceed.

    If you reinstall InfoPrint Manager, you are notified in the Reinstall screen that the InfoPrint Manager base server is already installed. You are required to install again all of the previously installed features. Click Next to reinstall InfoPrint Manager.

  7. The Installer displays the Feature Dialog screen. Features add extra functions to InfoPrint Manager. Separate Feature DVD-ROMs might be required.

    These features are available on the base DVD-ROM and can be installed with the trial license or with the product license:

    • InfoPrint Manager AFP2PDF Feature
    • InfoPrint Manager SAP Print Feature
    • InfoPrint Manager Pull Print Feature

    These features are available on separate DVD-ROMs and can be installed only with the product license:

    • InfoPrint Manager PPFA Feature
    • InfoPrint Manager Japanese PostScript Font Feature
    Be sure to make selections even if you are migrating or reinstalling InfoPrint Manager.

    Make your selections and click Next.

  8. In the Language Selection screen, select the language for the InfoPrint Manager Server and Features and click Next.

  9. The Installer displays the Server Type screen. To create an InfoPrint Manager Primary Server, click Yes. To create an InfoPrint Manager Secondary Server, select No. You must first have a Primary Server before a Secondary Server can be created. A Secondary Server is an additional InfoPrint Manager server that interoperates with a Primary server. The hostname or IP address of the Primary Server is necessary for the servers to work together. There are also additional configuration tasks that you must perform when using secondary servers, see Installing secondary InfoPrint servers. For more information about interoperability, see the RICOH InfoPrint Manager for AIX: Procedures guide.

    Click Next to proceed. If you have selected No, you are asked for the hostname or the IP address of the Primary Server.

    Important: You cannot create an InfoPrint Manager for AIX4.13 secondary server for an older version of the InfoPrint Manager system. All systems must be at the 4.13 level to be compatible.

  10. If you are reinstalling or upgrading InfoPrint Manager, the previous installation of InfoPrint Manager is detected. A screen asking Do you want to keep the objects currently defined in your InfoPrint Manager Sever? appears. There are preexisting objects (printers for example) that are configured for use with InfoPrint Manager. Click Yes to retain these objects and the configuration associated with them.
  11. A message displays indicating that you can manually control the location and size of the InfoPrint Manager directory structure. See the allocatefs utility that is documented in RICOH InfoPrint Manager: Reference for more information. Click Next.
  12. The File Systems Allocation screen is displayed. Select a volume group and allocate the size of the file systems.
    Note: To create InfoPrint directories in a volume group other than the default rootvg, you must first select the volume group. You can then specify a size in the Space field. If you do not understand what a volume group is, see The AIX Logical Volume Manager for more information.

    If you are upgrading to InfoPrint Manager4.13 from an older version and you want to enable large file support (and have not already done so), see Enabling large file support. It is also necessary for the file systems to be large enough to support files that are larger than 2.14 gigabytes in size. Even if the file system is already large file enabled, the size of the file system must also be greater than 2.14 gigabytes to be truly capable of supporting large files. You should allocate at least three times the default directory sizes shown in the select volume group and space screen. For example, the /var/pd directory should be at least 3,072 megabytes in size to support large files.

    Once you have made your volume group selections, click Next to proceed.

  13. You are presented with a summary of your installation selections. If any of this information is incorrect, you can click the Previous button to return to the appropriate screen and correct the problem. When you click the Install button the Installer displays the message Installing InfoPrint Manager. Please wait... and the progress bar is displayed.
  14. The system must be restarted before the installation is complete. If you click Yes, restart my computer, the AIX system shuts down immediately without any message to other users that a shutdown will occur. If you click No, I will restart my computer later, you can advance to the next screen by clicking Next. In the Install Complete screen, click Done.

    Regardless of your selection, the InfoPrint Installer unmounts the DVD-ROM, which you can then remove from the DVD-ROM drive.

Note: For troubleshooting information about the installation process, refer to the specific /var/log/pd/install/*.wlog files.