
Specifies how booklets are ordered and folded on this output device.

GUI label

Fold booklet




Resettable, single-valued

Allowed Values

You can enter one of these fixed values:

  • up
  • down

Default Value

For PSF InfoPrint 4000 printers
For all other printers

Usage Guidelines

  • The InfoPrint 60 Finisher folds booklets up; that is, the cover (if any) is inserted at the beginning of the booklet, and after the booklet prints, the cover is saddle-stitched from the bottom and folded upward.
  • The inline booklet makers attached to the InfoPrint 4000s fold booklets down; that is, the cover (if any) is inserted at the end of the booklet, and after the booklet prints, it is saddle-stitched from the top and folded downward.
  • The reverse-page-order attribute does not apply to booklet jobs.