
Identifies the document formats that can be ripped at this actual destination.

GUI label

Formats to RIP at destination


DFE, Email, PSF other-driver


Resettable, multi-valued

Allowed Values

You can enter any of these fixed values:

Fixed Value Input Synonym DSS
pcl hppcl, hp-pcl PSF other-driver
pdf pdf PSF other-driver
postscript ps PSF other-driver
tiff   PSF other-driver
Note: You can set any document format for DFE DSS and Email DSS.

Default Value

  • ascii for Email DSS
  • ascii, pcl, pdf, postscript, and tiff for DFE DSS

Usage Guidelines

  • Particular InfoPrint Manager attributes negate the document-format-ripped-at-destination setting and force jobs to be transformed. For more information about these attributes, see InfoPrint Manager: Getting Started.
  • When you specify the document-formats-ripped-at-destination attribute for a PSF other-driver actual destination that actual destination can be used in three ways:
    1. To pass specified document-format jobs, especially with PostScript or PCL data, directly to the actual destination.
    2. To transform a job to AFP and then to PCL image when necessary.
    3. To transform all other datastreams (SAP, TIFF, JPEG, PDF, and so forth) to AFP and then to PCL image when necessary.
  • For PSF other-driver DSS, when jobs are transformed, they print with PSF style auxiliary sheets, and the jobs obtain accounting information from PSF, which appears in the PSF accounting logs.
  • For PSF other-driver DSS, when jobs are passed through directly to the actual destination, they print with “other-driver” style auxiliary sheets, and the jobs obtain accounting information the way the other driver does (for example, the way the AIX DSS obtains the information on AIX, and the way the Passthrough DSS obtains the information on Windows).
  • For DFE DSS, jobs print with DFE style auxiliary sheets, and jobs obtain accounting information the way the DFE DSS does.
  • For PSF other-driver DSS, when a document-format value is included in the document-formats-ripped-at-destination attribute list, the default-medium attribute value is ignored. The job is ripped at destination using the data stream settings when printing.