Installing the base product

Before you begin, make sure that you have verified all the prerequisites for your configuration as listed in Planning for installation and Preparing the primary computer for installation.

  • On Red Hat-derived operating systems, CD and DVD drives are configured to mount automatically. However, drives that are automatically mounted are often set up so you cannot run programs from the media, including installation programs. You must unmount the drive and mount it again before you can start the installation program. You must remount the drive for every CD or DVD that you insert.
  • During the installation, the RICOH ProcessDirector license files are copied to the /opt/infoprint/ippd/base/license directory.
  • The installation instructions describe how to install with a graphical display. If you cannot run the installation program in graphical mode, use console mode to install with a text-based installation program. To start the installer in console mode, insert -console in the command after the word setup. For example, to install the base product, type:
    • ./setup -console

    To use the installer in console mode:

    • Press Enter to move to the next screen.
    • Type back to return to the previous screen.
    • Type quit to exit the installer.

To install the base product:
  1. Log in as the root user.
    • You must log in as a user with UID 0. If you must log in as a different user, you can use sudo su - or su - to become the root user. However, do not use sudo or the su command in any other way to become the root user.
  2. Open a command line and enter this command to make sure you are in the root directory:
    • cd /
  3. If you are installing from a DVD:
    1. Insert the base product DVD in the drive.
    2. To determine the name of the mount point, enter:
      • ls /media
      On some systems, the name of the mount point is the same as the name of the CD or DVD.
      • If you are using a Red Hat, CentOS, or Rocky Linux system, the drive might mount automatically. However, drives that are mounted automatically on those systems are set up so that you cannot run programs from the media. You must unmount the drive and mount it again with the exec option before you can continue. You can use this command:

        mount -t iso9660 -o remount, exec <mount_point>

        You must remount the drive for every CD or DVD that you insert.

    3. Mount the drive, if necessary. Enter:
      • mount /media/mount_point
    4. Change directories so you can see the contents of the DVD. Enter these commands:
      • cd /media/mount_point
      • ls
      You see several scripts and directories, including a script called setup.
    Continue with step .
  4. If you are installing from an ISO file:
    1. Follow the instructions in Mounting an ISO file.
    2. Change directories so you see the contents of the ISO file.
      You see several scripts and directories, including a script called setup.
  5. To start the installer, enter: ./setup

    The installer starts and displays the Introduction screen. Select the appropriate language for the installer to use and then click OK.

    • If the computer's operating system is a supported Red Hat-derived operating system and its language is Japanese, Simplified Chinese, or Traditional Chinese, choose English on the dropdown language menu. Japanese, Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese characters do not display properly during a Red Hat installation of RICOH ProcessDirector.
  6. Follow the instructions in the installer.

    The installer verifies many of the prerequisites for the system. If it finds any problems, it lists them for you. You cannot proceed until you correct them. After you fix the issues, verify the prerequisites again by returning to the Prerequisite Verification window. Click Previous in the installer or type back in console mode, then continue with the installer.

    • After you verify all the prerequisites, click Cancel to change a previous entry and begin the installation process again. Clicking the Previous button sometimes causes problems.

  7. Review and accept the license and maintenance agreements.
  8. You can choose the name that you want to use for the RICOH ProcessDirector system user or you can use the default name. This is the user that RICOH ProcessDirector runs under. The default system user is aiw1.
    • All Linux operating system user IDs and group names must be 1-8 characters because of a restriction in DB2. You cannot create a user ID that includes international characters (such as á, É, î, ñ, ô, ß) or double-byte characters. This limitation only applies if you use DB2 as your database.

    Enter a name for the user. If the installer finds that the user already exists on the system, it asks if you want to use that user. If you did not create the user, choose No and enter a different name. If the installer does not find the user on the system, the installer creates it.

  9. Enter the security group to use as the primary group for the system user, the UID and GID numbers for the user and group, and the home directory for the system user. The default values are shown in the installer, but you can change them.
    If you created the user and group before you started the installer, you are not asked for these values.
  10. Choose a password for the system user and enter it twice. Remember this password; you need it later when you have to log in as the system user. If you created the user before you started the installer, you are not asked for the password.
  11. Choose the language that you want the system user to use. This language determines the language used for some messages, even if you set the browser for the user interface to a different language.
  12. Choose the database that you want to use with RICOH ProcessDirector.
    • PostgreSQL included with RICOH ProcessDirector. Continue with step .
    • PostgreSQL installed separately. Continue with step .
    • IBM DB2 included with RICOH ProcessDirector. Continue with step .
    • IBM DB2 installed on this server. Continue with step .
    • IBM DB2 installed on a different server. Continue with step .
    • If you are upgrading an existing system and plan to migrate your data from DB2 to PostgreSQL, you must migrate your data after the installation completes.
  13. Set up the remote PostgreSQL database server connection:
    PostgreSQL server address or hostname
    Specify the IP address or the hostname of the server where PostgreSQL is installed.
    PostgreSQL binary path
    Specify the location of the PostgreSQL bin directory. On Windows, the default binary path is C:\Program Files\<version_number>\bin and on Linux, the default binary path is /usr/<version_number>/bin, where <version_number> is the PostgreSQL database version installed.
    PostgreSQL user name
    Specify the user name for the owner of the PostgreSQL database.
    PostgreSQL password
    Specify the password for the owner of the PostgreSQL database.
    PostgreSQL port number
    Specify the port number used to communicate with the PostgreSQL database. The default value is 5432.
  14. If you choose IBM DB2 included with RICOH ProcessDirector:
    1. Click Next.
    2. In the next window, click Choose to select the installation media location.
    3. In the Select a folder dialog, select the folder or mount point for the DB2 installation media and click Select.
    4. Click Next to continue with the installation.
    If the path was incorrect or the DB2 installer was not located, click Previous to go back or Next or Cancel to exit the installation.
  15. If you choose DB2 installed on a different server, the next window shows any DB2 clients that are installed on the system. Choose the one that you want to use.
    1. Enter values for the users and groups that DB2 requires, along with any other instance information requested.
      The users and groups vary based on the DB2 configuration that you use:
      • The RICOH ProcessDirector version of DB2 requires an instance user, a fenced user, and their corresponding groups.
      • A separate copy of DB2 installed on the same computer as the base product requires an instance user, a fenced user, and their corresponding groups.
      • A separate copy of DB2 installed on a different computer requires an instance user and group for the DB2 client on the primary computer, and an instance user, a fenced user, and their corresponding groups for the DB2 server on the other computer.

        You created these users and groups when you installed and configured the DB2 client and server in Installing and configuring your own copy of DB2 on a different computer.

      • All Linux operating system user IDs and group names must be 1-8 characters because of a restriction in DB2. You cannot create a user ID that includes international characters (such as á, É, î, ñ, ô, ß) or double-byte characters. This limitation only applies if you use DB2 as your database.

      If you created the users and groups before you started the installer, make sure you use the correct values.

  16. Review the pre-installation summary and click Install to start installing.
  17. Click Done to complete the installation.
  18. On the command line, type this command to return to the root directory:
    • cd /
  19. If you installed from a DVD, eject the disc.
  20. If you see error messages, view the installation logs in the /opt/infoprint/ippd/logs/installer directory and contact Software Support.
  21. Reboot the system.
  22. Continue with Logging in for the first time.
    • Your software installs in trial mode. The trial license expires after 60 days. For more information about obtaining and installing license keys, see Downloading and installing license keys.