Configuring your own PostgreSQL database

If you cannot use the RICOH ProcessDirector version of PostgreSQL, you can install PostgreSQL on your own and configure it to work with RICOH ProcessDirector.

RICOH ProcessDirector requires PostgreSQL version 15 or higher. You must install the PostgreSQL database before you install RICOH ProcessDirector. For download and installation instructions, refer to these links:

  • If PostgreSQL is installed on a different computer on your network, install either the PostgreSQL server or the PostgreSQL client on the primary computer. RICOH ProcessDirector uses the command line tools included in those packages to access PostgreSQL commands and send requests to the other system. If you install the PostgreSQL server, you can still configure RICOH ProcessDirector to use a database on a different system. You do not need to create a database on this system.

RICOH ProcessDirector provides a script to configure a PostgreSQL database installed separately to work with RICOH ProcessDirector. The script is included in the /scripts directory on the RICOH ProcessDirector base product DVD or ISO image.

Make sure that the existing database cluster or the target database cluster directory can be accessed by the postgres user.

To configure your own PostgreSQL database:
  1. Log in to the system where PostgreSQL is installed as the root user, or use sudo or the su command to become the root user.
  2. Mount the DVD or ISO image on the system where PostgreSQL is installed.
  3. Switch the current user to the postgres user, which is the default system user account created during the installation of PostgreSQL. Type this command:
    sudo su - postgres
  4. Add the PostgreSQL bin directory path to your system environment variables.
    Enter this command:

    export PATH=/usr/postgres_version/bin:$PATH

    where postgres_version is the version of the installed PostgreSQL.

  5. Go to the scripts directory on the DVD or ISO image and type this command to run the script:
    • If the postgres user does not have permissions on the scripts directory, you can copy the script to a directory where the postgres user has permissions. For example, you can copy the script to /var/lib/pgsql where the postgres user has already permissions to execute commands.
  6. Respond to the prompts as required:
    • When the script asks for a new or an existing database cluster, enter either the path to an existing database cluster or the path where you want to create a new database cluster.
    • When the script asks for a user name, enter the PostgreSQL user name to assign as the owner of the database. You can choose the default PostgreSQL user, a different PostgreSQL user, or specify a new PostgreSQL user to be created. The default user is postgres.
    • When the script asks for a password, enter the password for the user. A password is only required in these cases:
      • You create a new database cluster.
      • You already created a user for RICOH ProcessDirector to use.
      • You create a new user using this script.
    • When the script asks for an IP address, enter the IP address of the RICOH ProcessDirector primary server.
    • When the script asks for a port number, enter the port used to communicate with RICOH ProcessDirector. The default value is 5432. We recommend using a different port number than the default value when creating a new database cluster. The port number is only required when you create a new database cluster.
The script creates the AIWDB database in the database cluster. If you create a new cluster, the PostgreSQL database starts automatically.