Installing the base product

Before you begin, make sure that you have verified all the prerequisites for your configuration as listed in Planning for installation and Preparing the primary computer for installation.

  • During the installation, the RICOH ProcessDirector license files are copied to the C:\Program Files\Ricoh\ProcessDirector\base\license directory.
  • After you verify all the prerequisites, click Cancel to change a previous entry and begin the installation process again. Clicking the Previous button sometimes causes problems.
To install the base product:
  1. Log in using the administrator account that was created for RICOH ProcessDirector to run under when you prepared the Windows system. This account should not be attached to a specific person.
    You must sign in using this account each time you install updates. If you are using a particular person's User ID and that person leaves your department, you might lose the ability to install updates, start and stop the RICOH ProcessDirector service, and do other administrative tasks.

    If that account does not exist, create it and then log in to that account.

    • The administrator user ID cannot contain spaces in the name.
    • Make sure the password for the administrator does not include the characters " (double quote) or % (percent sign) or ^ (carat) or passwords that contain consecutive $ (dollar signs). If the current password includes those characters, change the password before continuing.
  2. Insert the base product DVD or double-click the ISO file.
    • If you use a DVD and the autorun feature of Windows is enabled, the installer starts automatically. If the installer does not start, open Windows Explorer and go to the DVD drive.
  3. Double-click setup.exe. The installer starts.
  4. Select the appropriate language for the installer to use and click OK.
  5. Select to install the base product.
  6. After installing the base product, another installer starts and displays the Introduction window. Follow the instructions in the installer, clicking Next on each window after you fill in required information.
  7. Choose a directory to install RICOH ProcessDirector in. The default installation directory is C:\Program Files\Ricoh\ProcessDirector.
    • You can choose another directory on the C: drive or a directory on another drive. However, you cannot choose a directory with international characters (such as á, É, î, ñ, ô, ß) or double-byte characters anywhere in the directory path.

      If you choose the default directory or another directory (on any drive) with spaces anywhere in the directory path, the installer tries to enable 8dot3 filename generation for the drive. If 8dot3 filename generation is disabled on your system, the installer cancels the installation.

    The RICOH ProcessDirector documentation assumes that the product is installed in the default directory. If you choose a different installation directory, many directories that are mentioned in the documentation are not correct; you must change the first part of the directory to match the installation directory that you choose.
  8. The installer verifies many of the prerequisites for the system. If it finds any problems, it lists them for you. Click Cancel to close the installer and fix the problems, then start the installer again.
  9. Review and accept the license and maintenance agreements.
  10. Enter the password for the administrator user ID that you logged in with.
  11. Choose the database that you want to use with RICOH ProcessDirector.
    • PostgreSQL included with RICOH ProcessDirector. Continue with step .
    • PostgreSQL installed separately. Continue with step .
    • IBM DB2 included with RICOH ProcessDirector. Continue with step .
    • If you are upgrading an existing system and plan to migrate your data from DB2 to PostgreSQL, you must migrate your data after the installation completes.
  12. Set up the remote PostgreSQL database server connection:
    PostgreSQL server address or hostname
    Specify the IP address or the hostname of the server where PostgreSQL is installed.
    PostgreSQL binary path
    Specify the location of the PostgreSQL bin directory. On Windows, the default binary path is C:\Program Files\<version_number>\bin and on Linux, the default binary path is /usr/<version_number>/bin, where <version_number> is the PostgreSQL database version installed.
    PostgreSQL user name
    Specify the user name for the owner of the PostgreSQL database.
    PostgreSQL password
    Specify the password for the owner of the PostgreSQL database.
    PostgreSQL port number
    Specify the port number used to communicate with the PostgreSQL database. The default value is 5432.
  13. If you choose IBM DB2 included with RICOH ProcessDirector:
    1. Click Next.
    2. In the next window, click Choose to select the installation media location.
    3. In the Browse for folder dialog, select the folder for the DB2 installation media and click OK.
    4. Click Next to continue with the installation.
    If the path was incorrect or the DB2 installer was not located, click Previous to go back or Next or Cancel to exit the installation.
  14. Review the pre-installation summary and click Install to start installing.
  15. If a window appears with a warning about file security, you must click Run to continue the installation.
  16. Click Done to complete the installation.
  17. Choose the option to restart the computer and complete the installation process.
  18. If you installed from a DVD, eject the disc.
  19. If you see error messages, view the installation logs in the C:\Program Files\Ricoh\ProcessDirector/logs directory and contact Software Support.
  20. If you are installing on a Windows system that is running in French or Brazilian Portuguese and you are using DB2 as the database, do this step.
    RICOH ProcessDirector uses the LocalSystem user ID for many database functions. If you install on a Windows system that is running in French or Brazilian Portuguese, the LocalSystem user ID contains international characters. DB2 does not support user IDs that include international characters, so the RICOH ProcessDirector service cannot start. RICOH ProcessDirector must be configured to use a different user ID for DB2, such as the administrator user ID that was used for the installation process.

    To configure RICOH ProcessDirector to use a different user ID for DB2:

    1. Open the file C:\aiw\aiw1\config\System.database.cfg in a text editor. Remove the # sign at the beginning of the last two lines in the file (for userid= and password=) to uncomment the lines.
      Change the userid= line so that the value to the right of the = sign is the username that you used to install RICOH ProcessDirector. For example, if you installed on a Brazilian Portuguese system using the default account Administrador, change the line to: userid=Administrador
      • The userid cannot include international characters.
    2. Open a command prompt. Type: ippdprofile.cmd and press Enter.
    3. Type: java password and press Enter, replacing administrator password with the password of the administrator account used to install RICOH ProcessDirector.
      This command updates the System.database.cfg file.
    4. If you change the administrator password, you must run these commands again. You must also update the passwords for the following services:

      DB2 - DB2COPY1 - AIWINST-0

      DB2 Remote Command Server

      DB2DAS - DB2DAS00

    5. Start the RICOH ProcessDirector service.
  21. If you have features to install, follow the instructions in Installing features
  22. Continue with Logging in for the first time.
    • Your software installs in trial mode. The trial license expires after 60 days. For more information about obtaining and installing license keys, see Downloading and installing license keys.