Defining a workflow to process MarcomCentral orders

To process orders retrieved from a store at the MarcomCentral web site, copy the MarcomProcessOrders workflow supplied with the MarcomCentral Connect feature. The CallSOAPService step calls the Job Ticket MarcomCentral web service and retrieves job tickets by order number. Modify that step and others in the workflow by setting the step properties to values that work with your MarcomCentral store and RICOH ProcessDirector workflows.

The workflow that processes MarcomCentral orders receives jobs from the SOAP web service input device.

Before you define the workflow:

  • Plan how to process the orders, including how to map XML elements in the orders to RICOH ProcessDirector job properties using an XSLT style sheet.
  • Prepare to call MarcomCentral web services.
  • Define a SOAP web service input device.

For more information, see the related tasks.

To define a workflow to process MarcomCentral orders:
  1. Click the Workflow tab.
  2. Right-click the MarcomProcessOrders workflow and select Copy.
  3. Name the copy of the workflow, fill in or edit other values that you need, and click Continue.
  4. In the workflow editor, right-click the SetJobPropsFromTextFile step and select Properties.
  5. In the Job Defaults - General tab, set the Job name property to a value that identifies orders from your MarcomCentral store.
  6. For the ApplyXSLTransform step, set the XSLT file property to the directory path and name of the orderToOverrides.xslt file that you created.
    • This file was created in the procedure for planning how to process orders from your MarcomCentral store.
  7. For the CallSOAPService step:
    1. Set the Use proxy property to the proxy server (if any) that you use to communicate with the web service.
    2. Set the Password property to your MarcomCentral order token.
    3. Set the SOAP request property to the GetJobTicketsByOrderNumber SOAP request that you imported.
      If you prepended MyStore to the names of the SOAP requests when you imported them, set the property to MyStore-GetJobTicketsByOrderNumber.
    4. For the ApplyXSLTransform2 step, set the XSLT file property to the directory path and name of the jobticketsReceived.xslt file that you copied into your new directory.
      • This file was created in the procedure for planning how to process orders from your MarcomCentral store.
  8. For the Wait step, set the Wait for property to a value that makes jobs wait until your MarcomCentral store processes all their job tickets.
    The (2) Check for tickets connector and Wait for property together specify how long a job waits for all its job tickets before it goes to the FailWithMessage step. The Wait for property specifies a wait of 1 minute, and the rule on the (2) Check for tickets connector specifies that the job goes through the branch 9 times. The elapsed time before the job goes to the FailWithMessage step is 10 minutes. If you set the Wait for property to 2 minutes, the elapsed time is 20 minutes. If you then set the rule on the connector to Custom count 1 < 20, the elapsed time is 40 minutes.
  9. Optional: If you want your workflows to process only print items, set the XPath expression to create jobs property for the CreateJobsFromXML step to an expression that excludes non-print items.
  10. For the RetainCompletedJobs step, set the Retention period property to an appropriate value for your site.
  11. Save and enable the workflow.
  12. Connect the workflow to the input device that you defined to retrieve MarcomCentral orders:
    1. Click the Administration tab.
    2. In the left pane, click Devices Input Devices.
    3. Right-click the input device and select Properties.
    4. On the General tab, set the Child workflow property to the name of the workflow that you defined to process MarcomCentral orders.
After you define a workflow to process MarcomCentral job tickets, set the Workflow for new jobs property of the CreateJobsFromXML step to the name of the job ticket workflow.